Restocking Tank


Fish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
O'K after loosing my old tank to Septicemia 3 weeks ago, I'm undergoing a fishless cycle but thinking about restocking.

Currently I would like the following,

Gouramis, Angels, Clown Loaches, Bristlenose, Peppered Cory to help clean tank and perhaps couple of black sharks (orange fins).....

Any idea on best volumes??

Also, are these a hardy lot??
O'K after loosing my old tank to Septicemia 3 weeks ago, I'm undergoing a fishless cycle but thinking about restocking.

Currently I would like the following,

Gouramis, Angels, Clown Loaches, Bristlenose, Peppered Cory to help clean tank and perhaps couple of black sharks (orange fins).....

Any idea on best volumes??

Also, are these a hardy lot??

Need to know the size of the tank
As per my signature............59 Gallon / 270 litre.............
In that case...

Angels arn't the hardiest species due to an inbreeding depsession, caused by people wanting colour and finage.

Gouramis, there are a few types; dwarf ones have the same problem as the angels. Gourami and anabantoids so a stillish surface may be required to the water.

Clown loaches should really be kept in groups or 5+ and get quite large so unless your an enthusiast in these you might want to avoid them as they would take up a large proportion of the tank.

Corys are nice and will be fine.

Its up to you what you get, if you do get angels there nothing to say that your lucky and get a well bred set, I have one who has lasted a while now, People say to get the larger ones as then you know they xcan live long as they have grown.

As Andrew said, Clown Loaches need to be kept in groups of 5+ and idealy need a minimum tank size of 95G.
What type of Gouramies do you like?
Honey Gouramies are great little community fish and look good when kept in a group of 6+.
Red Tail Black Sharks are best kept on their own as they can be aggressive and will fight if kept with another one. They don't always make good community fish and need plenty of caves/hiding places so they can create a territory.
Angelfish will be fine provided your tank has a minimum depth of 18". Let the tank mature a bit before adding these as they can be a little sensitive.
A BN Catfish would be fine in that size tank.
Peppered Cories are more suited to cooler water so might be worth looking at one of the other species.
Thanks for the replies.

Yes my tank is unusual size as I had it made to is 22" deep and 14" in wide so I think it is deep enough.......... :)

My wife suggested to perhaps only get 2 or 3 species........but I'm not sure...........

I did love my loaches..........they got to around 12cm before they were the first to die from Septicemia.
I also guess that scaless fish and livebearers my not be too hardy so I'm open to suggestions.....

The other option is perhaps just have the sharks, bristlenoses and gouramis.........what do you think?

I do have a lot of driftwood and many rocks making caves and hiding places is not an issue. I also have a large Anubia on driftwood in one corner.
You'd be surprised how good a tank looks having only a few species.
I have a 48G which houses a pair of Keyhole Cichlids, 10 Pristella Tetras and 8 Corydoras Melanistius. There is a group of Leopard Frog Plecs in there at the moment but it's only temporary.
The tank isn't full of colourful fish but it is one of my favourite ones because it's incredibly peaceful.
As i have a Fluval 305, i do have a bit of a volume up the surface.
I also have a second flow filter which creates a little volume (not drastic) middle level of the tank so maybe Gourami's are not the best choice from what your saying.....:(

In my last tank i had 2 black sharks and they seemed to be reasonably peaceful. Maybe a group of 4 or 5 then and then 3 or 4 Angels.......

O'K, so t the bottom I was thinking 4 loaches and perhaps 2 bristlenoses.......would love some Honey Gouramis then but not sure if my LFS stores have them......

How am I for quantity?

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