Restocking community tank


Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jul 8, 2002
Reaction score
Essex - Westcliff
I have a 180 litre, heavily planted community tank. The tank has been running close on 2 years and lately, a few of the original fish have gone to the great fish tank in the sky. :( All I have left in it now are neons (4 left), platties (only a few juvies now) 2 dwarf gouramis, 2 swordtails, 2 sailfin mollies (about 6 juvies also) a couple of female guppies, 3 zebra danios and of course my 4 corrys and Simon, the pleco. Out of these fish left, only the danios and the fry are relatively new, the rest are originals from 2 years back. I wanted to add some new fish, but I want something different, not mollies, neons, platties or guppies. Anyone got any suggestions?
With the number of types tetras around they always are a bright and active addition to any community tank :) remember that they'll only shoal with their own genus ie tetras won't shoal with rummies etc.. perhaps you want to try something a bit more challenging though but tetras get my thumbs up :)
How about a big shoal of Upside-down Catfish Synodontis Nigriventris, probably 7-8 of 'em, nice and peaceful and unusual. Upper to middle level as well and not too expensive and stay small (max. 4")... B)
Howabout some rainbows, I got 4 (bosemani) in my community but am tempted toget more. They look great when they're shoaling :thumbs:

I recommend clown loaches! Get 3 or more ... they are great to watch.

Also, Siamese Algae Eaters are a blast to watch.

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