Restocking A 55 Gallon Planted Tank


Apr 5, 2008
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im thinking of restocking my 55 gallon as of right now it has 2 gold barbs, a blue ram pair, 2 bronze cories, 2 swordtails, and 2 raphael catfish.
i am wanting some small shoaling fish. i was thinking..
12 neon tetras
8 cardinal tetras
7 gold barbs
8 cherry barbs
7 white cloud mountain minnows
and 6 serpai tetras
i am open to suggestions on anything to take out of my list or add in :good:
i will be purchasing the fish on friday and posting pictures on saturday. :rolleyes:

thanks, clay
im thinking of restocking my 55 gallon as of right now it has 2 gold barbs, a blue ram pair, 2 bronze cories, 2 swordtails, and 2 raphael catfish.
i am wanting some small shoaling fish. i was thinking..
12 neon tetras
8 cardinal tetras
7 gold barbs
8 cherry barbs
7 white cloud mountain minnows
and 6 serpai tetras
i am open to suggestions on anything to take out of my list or add in :good:
i will be purchasing the fish on friday and posting pictures on saturday. :rolleyes:

thanks, clay

Up the cories and gold barbs to 6 of each.

Adding all of the rest at the same time will probably give you a mini-cycle and start getting ammonia readings. I'd go for adding 1 group at a time.

Cardinals and neon tetras are very similar looking, but most people think cardinals are easier to keep, so maybe a big school of those?

Personally I think that one big school looks better, but you could go for a couple of smaller schools. I wouldn't go for all of those though, they're all middle swimming fish. Maybe a small gourami or something that likes the top of the tank would do nicely?
i will watch my ammonia. i did have 5 gold barbs but due to inproper netting of the fish to say it nicely by my lfs 3 were injured and they died so that left me with 2 :sad:
How about something like this..
* pair of blue rams
* 2 raphael catfish
* 10 bronze cories
* 2m or 2f or 1m 2f swordtails
* 10 gold barbs
* 15-20 neon tetras or cardinal tetras

I find that schooling fish look much more impressive and do much better in larger groups.

I would recommend that you avoid white cloud mountain minnows because they are coolwater fish, so do not deal well with the tropical temperatures required by the other fish.

Do stock slowly, of course.
i agree - too much different schools, sounds interesting and good, but in reality doesnt look that great and seems confusing.
i would keep 3 different ones at once, with a few singular fish or pairing fish such as gouramis or dwarf cichlids, along with a few bottom dwellers such as bristlenoses or cories,
i would probably go with your ideas as
15 cardinals, 8 gold barbs, 8 cherry barbs
8 cories,pair of BN
pair of rams,pair of gouramis or angels

anyway, good luck!
thanks i decided on 15 cardinals and 8 gold barbs( because i love them) :lol:

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