rest in peace little boy...


Sep 3, 2003
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In My Own Little World
after three weeks of different homes including a gallon jar, a guppy breeder in a 10 gallon tank, and a 1 gallon tank, mackenzie passed away.

he hadn't eaten since i bought him, and rested a lot on everything. when i came home today to try to feed him i saw his fishie-butt sticking out one end of his clay pot, and his head was wedged into the oh-so-tiny hole i figured he'd never be able to get through.

at 4:00 the little bugger was 'put down' for lack of a better term.

i nuked his tank and found out the sponge in his filter was PURPLE. the rocks in the tank (which were white-ish) had a purple undercoating, and it had leeched into the water and infected it. what i thought was aquarium-safe gravel turned into a poison. mack lived with that gravel for all but 4 days. i looked over the poor boys body and noticed several just off-normal colored stripes on his body.

i feel so bad knowing i was the cause that murdered my betta...

-sigh- i still have all his supplies, and i just bought an air pump. a new filter cartridge and gravel is definately in order, because that tank will not go to waste. i'm sure little mack wouldn't want me beating myself up over his death, so someone new will move into his tank and i'll definately do better this time.

-sigh- rest in peace l'il boy, wish i'd been a betta fishie-mama.
:sad: :sad: , sorry bb'z

don't beat yourself up, I understand, I caused one of my favorite guys to pass on by removing him from his tank...only for a few minutes but it was too much stress and he got dropsy and died, I still feel guilty so I can't say that your guilt will go away :no: but a new little guy may help ease your hurt :)
Just wanted to add my condolances also - I'm sorry for your loss, losing a fish is never easy, especially one you're attached to. -_- I agree with wuvmybetta though, get a new lil guy when you think you're ready. I know it always cheers me up to no end when I pick up some new friends after losing one. :thumbs: Sorry for your loss, and I hope you find a new betta to replace (or come close to) Mack.
Yes get a new one. Note I hope you know everything about cyclin and you've done it. One of the biggest problems with bettas is infact introducing them. This is because they are mainly kept in jars at shops and when you introduce them to a tank they experience a great shock. Therefore when you introduce your lovely new betta float it in the bag in the tank for 1 hour. Then add some aquarium water to the bag and float for 1/2 hour then do step two once again. then let him explore. I had the same problem with my first betta way way way ago. ;) p.s. sorry for you loss :(
So sorry to hear about your loss :sad: As the others have said, don't beat yourself up over this. The important thing is that you've learned something that will help you with your next little dude. It's cliche but true: live and learn.
I'm very sad for you.
We recently lost a guy and I felt so bad. We did get a new one and are doing okay. Don't beat yourself up as the others have said, we are after all only humans.

Keep everyone posted when you get a new one. What size tank will you be using? If you are going to use the 1 gallon try the glass marbles. They really show off the betta's coloring if you choose the right ones. They are not too expensive either.

Good Luck

R.I.P. Mack
thanks everyone. i went out today to buy new gravel and filter cartridges as well as some good food. (couldn't find tetra's delica bloodworms, found some waterfleas that were ridiculously overpriced, but bought wardley's brine shrimp instead.)

and i fell in love with these beautiful grrrl bettas. three little teeny girls were harassing a big, strong blue male. a red, a 'marble' and a sort of brown-zebra girl. not vertical stripes, horizontal. unfortunately i could only afford one, and Donny would surely eat one if she didn't have some backup. so i went on. there was one boy who looked like Mack, he was in a tank with several angels, a few swordtails, some kissing gouramis and a single monstrous tiger barb. he was hiding in a corner and looked about ready to die. they had a little red boy with a white spot on his chest, and a pair of blues. a mottly green-mint boy who was missing a few scales, and a second mint with a pretty bronze forehead, like mack had.
i fell in love with the latter =)

before i knew it i had another betta, his cute little fishie face nose-to-nose with me. in different lighting his scale-tips turn pink and the rest of the scale blue, in another lighting he was purple. he's a beautiful boy, i'll try and get some pics. he's already trying to get to the front of the tank to see what that funny looking thing staring at him is! as of now fishie is floating, and i'm trying to decide on a name. i was thinking pierce, tank, raibbo or drake.

RIP lil macky, i'm not replacing you, i'm trying to remember you by seeing bits of you in this new boy =)

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