Last night when I realized that Daxx hadn't been up that morning to remind me to feed and water everyone and that night to lull me to sleep with his loud banging wheel I decided to check on him. I lifted up his igloo and instead of him rolling out and giving me nasty looks for waking him he just laid there lifeless as ever. I was so shocked to see my little speedy hamster sleeping in his bed never to wake again. I couldn't cry, tears didn't come until this morning actually when I realized that he was gone. I miss him so much. I think he might have had diabetes. I only started suspecting it that day before yesterday and didn't have time to take action. His large water bottle was half empty, I refilled it yesterday morning, and it wasn't leaking. I think diabetes might have had something to do with his death. I got Daxx in February 2007 he didn't really have a long life with me and I miss him so much.
~Rest In Peace Daxx~
~Rest In Peace Daxx~