Response from Hagen re: Ammonia packet


Fish Fanatic
Mar 17, 2004
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Hi, I have been so darned confused as to what to do about whether I should use the ammonia packet or not. Many people have said that it will not allow my tank to cycle. I personally felt it would be best for the fish to have this packet to control the ammonia but I do want my tank to cycle. I contacted Hagen to see what they had to say. The first is my e-mail to them and then I have posted their response back.

I just set up a 30 gallon freshwater tank using an Aqua-Clear 300 filter. I have the sponge, carbon insert, and the ammonia insert. I am cycling my tank with fish using 6 head and taillight tetras. I have been told on many fish forums that I should remove the ammonia insert. The people are saying that this insert will not allow my tank to cycle because it removes the ammonia that I need to help build up the good bacteria needed for a healthy fish tank. It says on the ammonia insert box that it is good for new aquarium set ups so I am terribly confused about what I should be doing. Is it correct that my tank will not cycle if I use the ammonia insert? I look forward to hearing back from you as soon as possible.

This is the response I received. What do you all think?

Thank you for taking the time to contact us. The aquarium will cycle. The ammonia insert will not completely remove ammonia, in fact it removes ammonium only and the resulting conversion of ammonia to ammonium to maintain the balance as dictated by pH levels is what results in total ammonia reduction. There will be somewhat less ammonia but not to the point that the break in cycle would be affected. The use of Cycle will ensure that a healthy population of optimal essential bacterial flora is present and will provide the biological inoculation required for an aquarium. Allowing an aquarium to cycle on its’ own would not necessarily result in optimal strains of bacteria being present, the use of Cycle will. We trust that this is satisfactory.


Nathalie Bourassa
Représentante des consommateurs
Consumer Representative
Rolf C. Hagen Inc.

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