Researching Nano-reef To Join The Club :)


Fish Herder
Dec 1, 2005
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im reading up on taking care of a nano reef and have a very stupid question:

setup: the setup im reading on is a basic one - tank, powerhead, heater is the only equipment mentioned. no protein skimmer etc etc (which seems a bonus i dont mind spending the time doing work on the tank if it means i dont have to splurge money on one of them)

however, am i right in that from what i've gathered about these simple setups, the liverock and live sand acts as the filter for the ammonia-nitrite-nitrate bacteria, its the powerhead creatin the flow over it?

I thought that maybe one filter would be required? but on reading through the guidlines. the x amount of rock and x amount of sand per gallon of water seems to indicate it is acting as the filter in this kind of setup.
You're pretty much correct with your assumptions. LR Is your filter and the powerhead creates current to move water over it to make it work. Protein skimmers can remove just as much good stuff as bad in a small volume nano tank, hence they're usually not reccomended.

Go have a peek in the nano section of these forums for even more helpful info, especially in the stickies :)

And of course, :hi:
why thank you.

ive also been researchign on

funny thing is, i know im going to like the challange of such a small setup but be unhappy at the limitations of it. I know i will end up with serious marine MTS
Welcome to the TFF Marine forum. Your questions are very relivant and your assumption were in deed correct! As already mentioned, the liverock does all the hard work along with good flowrates.

You are lucky that we also have some of the best nano reefers contributing to our forum which is extreemly well led by Steelheeler :good: I am sure that these members will be more than ha-py to give their advice on any questions you will bring up in the coming months.
ah steelheeler's name im quite aware of from other chit chat sections etc.

im really liking the nano reef theory for its simplicity (in theory.) my girlfriend is currently trying to twist my arm for nemo (i think she is meaning the common clownfish, already told her NO to Dory and Tad (names used for simplicity in typing.) However due to the clown fish territory issue, im not so fond, so i may end up with two nanos :) :)

I was thinking about a small school of blue chromis but was wondering if they would be able to have a purple firefish or catalina goby in the same tank (planning on a 2 footer tank.)

What would be the recommended minimum for a common clownfish?
You can fit a clown or even a pari of clowns in a 2 foot tank. Clowns are really only aggressive to other clowns of identical size. If you get two clowns that are of opposing size, one naturally becomes the dominant male and the other will become a female. Quite unique how they do this... They're great nano fish from what I've read :)
When it comes to clownfish the males are definately not dominant :-(
The larger and more dominant will be the female and the smaller more passive will be the male. If you keep other clowns in the tank (not in a nano of course) then the others will become lesser males or even have no sex at all. These will await the time when either the female or male dies so then they can move up the pecking order.

As for dory in a nano.... :-( :no: 100 gallons minimum :/
could you tell that to her? all she keeps saying is "i want a dory." Personally, for a large marine tank I would like to do sea horses one day. There is a successful captive breeder in ireland that has made these seem attractive.

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