Researching A Catfish...


Ice Queen
Aug 7, 2009
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W.Yorks, UK
Hi all, just wondered if you could help me out with this.

A friend's grandad breeds fish, and I wanted a pair of BNs for my birthday, however I've just been told that the fish he has available at the moment are "Gibbiceps, cory, red tail shark or hoplesternum" (direct quote from text msg!) I said Id do research and get back to them...

I know what all the rest are, but am I right in thinking that gibbiceps are sailfin plecs that get to over a foot long?
Hi all, just wondered if you could help me out with this.

A friend's grandad breeds fish, and I wanted a pair of BNs for my birthday, however I've just been told that the fish he has available at the moment are "Gibbiceps, cory, red tail shark or hoplesternum" (direct quote from text msg!) I said Id do research and get back to them...

I know what all the rest are, but am I right in thinking that gibbiceps are sailfin plecs that get to over a foot long?
gibbiceps will get very long yes
Ok, here's another question, hoplo related this time...

I used to have a single port hoplo, but have read hoplos can be kept in groups - what would be the best size group if I were to go for that?

The tank is a 240l with 2 angels, and am also collecting 6 zebra loaches tomorrow - would a single be better simply because otherwise there will be an overload in bottom feeders?!

I've been told I can have a single female for free..!
Ideally you want to keep at least 2, They are much more active when with their own kind and really do communicate and interact together
Yeh, I was wondering about that... would just 2 be ok, or would they need a bigger group? I don't think I could fit more than 2 in...

I had originally intended on getting a pair of BNs, but a pair of hoplos would be just as good - esp as my most recent fish death was a hoplo and he was awesome, such a character!
Just as a sidenote... I don't think the gibby would have been bred. To my knowledge they haven't been successfully bred in aquariums and are only farmed around asia and sold on to the fish world. There must be some other reason for the fish being available.

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