Rescued Zebra Danio Has Bloated Abdomen


Life, Liberty & Pursuit of the perfect fish tank
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Apr 4, 2011
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I'll update with a pic when I can. The zebra and the others are acclimating right now and aren't in a spot to take a picture. As soon as I can, I will post it up. Probably about 2 hours or so.


Looking down on the fish from above, the spine is bent to one side. I'll see if I can get a pic from above for now.



EDIT: added photos below...


Sorry about the quality of the pics, I've never tried to take pictures of fish before. They don't exactly make the best models...
This could be wrong but it could be full of eggs and unable to release them. It's just a guess though, a side view (when possible) would make it a lot easier to tell the problem.
This could be wrong but it could be full of eggs and unable to release them. It's just a guess though, a side view (when possible) would make it a lot easier to tell the problem.

Thanks for the reply... Yeah about an hour from now I might have a picture.
added pics to the top post.

Thanks for looking! :good: :thanks:

Update: Just found her sitting on the bottom of the tank a little while ago... she had been swimming around as much as the others, but must be tired.

The other zebra seems to have something wrong with it as well... the fins near the gills seem to be "stuck" straight out. I wouldn't say that they are scales, but the fins... Sorry, I can't get a pic... it's swimming around too much - and staying to the back of the tank.

Water parameters:

temp: 76F
pH: 6.8
NH3: 0ppm
NO2: 0ppm
NO3: 10-20ppm

I did a two-hour acclimation, and didn't put the fish into the tank until the pH of their water had come up beyond 6.6. I did another 15 minutes after I tested it at 6.6
as you know, I just lost one of mine with similar symptoms...... Good luck!

If you figure out what it is, keep us posted!


as you know, I just lost one of mine with similar symptoms...... Good luck!

If you figure out what it is, keep us posted!

are zebra danios burrowers??? I'd never heard of this before, but my two seem to enjoy swimming around under my large rock cave. Then this morning I took a much closer look at what they are doing under there, and while it is very dark there and hard to see, it would appear that they have created a bit of a burrow that goes further under the larger rock and continually go under there together, swim about a it, then come back out just to go back in there again.

This behavior seems quite different from what I think I know about danios. I figured they were much more open water swimmers and were egg scatterers, but this behavior is almost cichlid like... :unsure: Now they are swimming much more all over the place. the one zebra seems to be constantly chasing the large one... perhaps I need to get a couple more to increase the numbers a bit. :dunno:

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