Fish Fanatic
I went to my brother's fiance's house tonight (about 3 hour drive) and rescued a bunch of huge fish that were WAAAYYY overcrowded in a couple of 20 gal US tanks. Also they had just purchased a Stingray of some sorts and nobody there knows exactly what it is.
The original owner of the aquariums is on an "extended vacation" at a local correctional institution. I told them I would rescue everything for them so I ended up with 3x 10US gal with filters, heaters, hoods etc... 2x 20US gal with iron stand and all filters hoods etc...
Right now my main concern is this stingray. I took half of the water from the 20 gal and put it into a Rubbermaid 20 gal container with a lid and a sponge filter plugged into my cig. lighter through a power inverter to get it home alive (3+ hours). I have set up one of the 10's and put him in his original GREEN water since I don't even know if it is a salt or freshwater species. I have a filter and heater running and he seems content but I would like to have the 20gal all setup for him ASAP.
Please help identify the species. I am calling on all of the oddball specialists like Sir Minion , CFC , Lady Minion etc...
If I don't get a reply tonight I will leave him in the 10 with green water and post in oddballs tomorrow for ID.
There are also 2 large (6") oscars, a large (5") JackDempsey, another large unidentified (3-4") and a common pleco (4") that were housed in ONE 20 gal !!!
Thanks in advance for your help,
I went to my brother's fiance's house tonight (about 3 hour drive) and rescued a bunch of huge fish that were WAAAYYY overcrowded in a couple of 20 gal US tanks. Also they had just purchased a Stingray of some sorts and nobody there knows exactly what it is.
The original owner of the aquariums is on an "extended vacation" at a local correctional institution. I told them I would rescue everything for them so I ended up with 3x 10US gal with filters, heaters, hoods etc... 2x 20US gal with iron stand and all filters hoods etc...
Right now my main concern is this stingray. I took half of the water from the 20 gal and put it into a Rubbermaid 20 gal container with a lid and a sponge filter plugged into my cig. lighter through a power inverter to get it home alive (3+ hours). I have set up one of the 10's and put him in his original GREEN water since I don't even know if it is a salt or freshwater species. I have a filter and heater running and he seems content but I would like to have the 20gal all setup for him ASAP.
Please help identify the species. I am calling on all of the oddball specialists like Sir Minion , CFC , Lady Minion etc...
If I don't get a reply tonight I will leave him in the 10 with green water and post in oddballs tomorrow for ID.
There are also 2 large (6") oscars, a large (5") JackDempsey, another large unidentified (3-4") and a common pleco (4") that were housed in ONE 20 gal !!!
Thanks in advance for your help,