In March my nextdoor neighbour broke her leg and we "looked after" her. She is quite old, and when she found out I kept fish, she asked me to look after hers. They really wern't in a good state. Her tank was about 15gal with a CAE, swordtails, 2 sterbai cories, guppies, 2 bn plecs, a chinese hillstream loach and other fish. I dont think she realised that you had to change the water...
Anyway quite a few had finrot, so I told her about treatment, water changes and things. I gave the tank a huge scrub down and bought her some plants and bogwood.
I went round to do a water change every week, and then she said because her tank was overstocked and I had been a great help, I could choose a few.
So I chose the male BN plec and the two cories.
Now my cories are in a 20gal, and have just started to spawn. But I thought the eggs were unfirtile (i read somewhere that they should be pure white, but mine were white in the middle and grey-ish on the outside?) so I fed them to my BBGs. Ah well, I hope they try again.
Inchworm made me do this haha
Anyway quite a few had finrot, so I told her about treatment, water changes and things. I gave the tank a huge scrub down and bought her some plants and bogwood.
I went round to do a water change every week, and then she said because her tank was overstocked and I had been a great help, I could choose a few.
So I chose the male BN plec and the two cories.
Now my cories are in a 20gal, and have just started to spawn. But I thought the eggs were unfirtile (i read somewhere that they should be pure white, but mine were white in the middle and grey-ish on the outside?) so I fed them to my BBGs. Ah well, I hope they try again.
Inchworm made me do this haha