Rescued Bettas


New Member
Jan 9, 2011
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I've suddenly ended up with 4 bettas, I'll explain later.

If I did daily water changes, removed all waste immediately with a turkey baster, and put a small live plant in to absorb pollutants, would they be alright in individual 1 gallon jars? I haven't got a tank to put them in right now, as my only spare 10 gallon leaks (and I'd need to make dividers anyways). How often would I have to do water changes? Would 25-50% daily be alright?

They look to be in better condition right now - slightly lethargic and pale but with no visible illnesses/injuries. I have an automatic space heater in my room to regulate the temperature, since I obviously can't use heaters in the jars.

Any suggestions as to what I should do?
Shoot for 50% daily, double up on a dechlorinator that deals with ammonia.
Shoot for 50% daily, double up on a dechlorinator that deals with ammonia.

Ok, 50% daily sounds good. Thank you!
About the dechlorinator, what do you mean by doubling up? Add twice as much to water as usual?
Yes, twice as much. The component in the dechlor that deals with ammonia will help.
Yes, twice as much. The component in the dechlor that deals with ammonia will help.

Alright, I've done that. Thank you again!
Also put a washed oak leaf and some java moss in each jar, which they seem to love =)

One of them seems to have a slightly whitish cloudy eye on one side... he's the most active and seems otherwise healthy though. Will this clear up with cleaner water or do I need to do some special treatment? The water he came in was pretty dirty.
I wouldnt medicate just yet. see if the clean water helps with the film on the eye. As Tolak mentioned 50% w/c a day and double on dechlor should be fine.
all the best
I wouldnt medicate just yet. see if the clean water helps with the film on the eye. As Tolak mentioned 50% w/c a day and double on dechlor should be fine.
all the best

Thanks! I'll keep you guys updated on their progress.
I brought in the space heater last night, and they seemed so much happier/active this morning.
The red male is flaring like crazy and everyone has a bubblenest, which they didn't before.

I'll take a look at that eye after breakfast. He's not too keen on my shining a flashlight at him :lol:
The red betta died last night... I'm not sure why. He was fine, eating well and everything. He was the largest, so maybe it was because of old age?

And the cloudy eye seems to be improving a bit. I added a wee bit of slat to the water, something like 1/8 teaspoon per gallon haha.
I am no expert on fish at all but I have 2 betas one is actually in a clear glass planter that holds about 1.5 gallons and the other is in a bowl that holds about the same they both have bubble nests going all the time and I know I should change the water for them more often but I usually only get around to it about once every two weeks... one of them even jumped out of the water one time while I was cleaning the bowl and it ended up in a garbage bag was in there for atleast 10 minutes before I found him, gave him a rinse off and hasn't been any worse for wear from it and that was about 6 months ago.
Since you're doing frequent water changes, you may find it helpful to attach those sticky thermometers to the outsides of the jars so you can be sure the new water temp matches the water you're replacing. Puts a lot less stress on your fish.
Oh haha, thank you both ^^;
I think water change for a container that size would have to be at least every 2-3 days... just my opinion.
But I do the changes everyday.

Yeah, I actually put a bucket of water out the night before so that it adjusts to the same temperature
Sounds good. If you're able to upgrade them to 2-gallons, there is a 7.5 watt hydro heater that helps heat up the water by a few degrees. For my two 5-gallon tanks, I put in 25-watt, but my 2-gallon has the 7.5 watt. For a 1 gallon, I wouldn't try the 7.5. ;)

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