Mostly New Member
Basically, I have taken this betta off my sister as I saw him for the first time in weeks and he has ended up with finrot. He was in a 3 gallon ( filtered and heated) but I got him into an 8 gallon I had just finished cycling for endlers (sigh) so his fin rot looks pretty bad, and I'm wondering if daily water changes and a good diet is going to be enough. His health over all is pretty bad, he had been being fed broad spectrum flakes, and his colour wasn't so bright. He is now on new life spectrum pellets, blood worms and brine shrimp.
I have aquarium salt, just don't want to use it unless its a last resort. I have four tanks (100G, 20G, 5G, 8G) but I have never had to treat fin rot. His dorsal fin looks like my crowntails, the rest is ripped and blackened and ragged. Here's a couple of pics, let me know what you think

I have aquarium salt, just don't want to use it unless its a last resort. I have four tanks (100G, 20G, 5G, 8G) but I have never had to treat fin rot. His dorsal fin looks like my crowntails, the rest is ripped and blackened and ragged. Here's a couple of pics, let me know what you think