Rescued A Bgk, Now What To Do?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 3, 2011
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I got a bunch of fish 2 days ago from a guy who's tank had shattered! Well, one of them was a 4" long BGK. He didn't even know the name of the fish, so i had to look it up! He also had it in with a Teger Barbs and Serpae Tetras. :rolleyes:

Right now I have him in a 10 gallon tank on a very temporary basis. i am setting up my 55 gallon tank and he will have to be in the 10g tank until I have cycled the 55 Gallon.

I have a steady supply of live feeders from the LFS and a few frozen items and the tank is well planted with a nice log to hide in, so should be fine as small as he is.

i will be setting up another large tank eventually, but that's a work in progress. For now i want to keep the BGK happy until either the 55g tank is up or I can find someone to take him on. I will not sell him to LFS, cause when I asked them about BGK's they told me a 20 gallon was as big as they would ever need and that they could be housed with tetras. i want it to go to someone who has experience and a large enough tank.

My heart is far to kind for my own good!

Any suggestions are much appreciated!
Can you move some media out of the 10 gallon tanks filter into the 55 gallon tanks filter? If so you can move the BGK straight over. :good:

I could move a bit of the media over, but i want to give it at least a week to be sure all is well with the water. Better safe than sorry.

He seems to have settled in quite well and has eaten his live blood worms without complaining.
lovely fish they are and so easy to keep its just the housing and tankmates that are the issue for me

I would also say that you should be able to feed it flake and pellets as thats what the ones I have kept in the past have eaten along with frozen and prawns etc
lovely fish they are and so easy to keep its just the housing and tankmates that are the issue for me

I would also say that you should be able to feed it flake and pellets as thats what the ones I have kept in the past have eaten along with frozen and prawns etc
I will have to wean him off of live foods first since that's what he's used to eating. such a spoiled fish, but he does seem to be adapting.
He is still doing well and becoming more and more outgoing. Last night he ate a couple blood worms right from my hand!

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