Rescue Stories & Pics Wanted


Fish Aficionado
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Near Madison, WI
littlefishie and I are creating a website just for info on and stories of rescued bettas.
If you have a rescue success story, please post the story here, along with before and after (or how they look now) photos, or feel free to pm it to either of us.

We want ALL the stories of rescues - even if you felt compelled to take someone home with you because of a little finrot, or even if he just gave you puppydog eyes.

Looking forward to the stories.
Thanks :)

ps - if you have posted your story somewhere else, feel free just to provide a link here to the rescue story - we'll get what we need from that.

If you don't have your pics hosted anywhere and don't want to make post after post to attach them, feel free to email them to me at [email protected] and that way I can start Photoshopping them to fit the webpage.

Just to give you a little taste of what this is going to look like, here's the main page banner..


[Tank photo courtesy of freshmike, betta photo courtesy of BettaMomma!]

I should probably mention I didn't ask freshmike if I could use his pic for the banner yet, but I was allowed to use it for a banner for another site, so I'm about to pm him.. just to clear that up. ;)
Kara101584 said:
Very good idea, if my little guy makes it. I'll be sure to write up his story for you guys. :D
You should write up your story either way, even if he doesn't make it.
At least people will know of him and that you gave him a sweet little pad, if only for a while. :)
His prospects are pretty good. ;)
If I have time later tonight, I'll write 'em up and email 'em to you ;)
Yay! that's great news.

Also, I was wondering if you'd mind letting us post your rainbow bridge poem on it. You'll get full credit, of course.

You may use the Rainbow Bridge poem, and Three Dollars to Freedom as well if you'd so like. I will email you my name when I email the stories so that it'll be accurate and not just "RandomWiktor" lol

((I had the title posted wrong before ooops lol))

Ah, here's a link to it.
Oh my gosh - I still haven't read 10 cents to freedom.
Do I need to pull out the kleenex box?

Can I get to it from your profile?
Or can you post a link to it here??
Yer welcome ^^ Anything for the fishies, right?
Just as a fun little FYI, I wrote that the night I got Shyboy because he looked like he was def. not going to make it. He's not my healthiest, most active, and most beautiful boy of the bunch (Er, don't tell Dickey I said that).
Also, a little update on my self mutilator - he hasn't tackled his tail in a few days now that he has lots of plants, a rock cave, and is somewhere quiet in the house. He's starting to get some connective tissue between his poor little fin-shreds, so with any luck he won't go eating the tail again when it grows back.
Anything for the fishies.

Yay! That's wonderful news!
I have noticed that when I have placed a fish that's stressed or eating his own tail into a darker quieter room whether it be with meds or without, they seem to heal.
I'm so very glad to hear he's doing better.

I was just reading through a lot of your stories of your hospice.
You are an amazing person for all you have done for so many lost little souls.
I would be a complete basketcase by now having to say goodbye to all those poor innocent little guys.

Nice work.
When I can get some pics of my new boy I'll send them in a long with a story. He is already looking much better than when he was in his walmart cup, but he still has red dots in his tail and lines. Hoping it is not septicema.
Pssst - we don't just want success stories that necessarily have a nice warm snuggly ending.

We would like the sad ones, too.
Just so people at least know the teeny tragedies that go on out there in the world because of the insensitivity of these stores.

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