I rescued two common plecos on Sunday. They were living in the most awful conditions - they were in a 24" x 12" x 12" tank with at least 10 goldfish
I dread to think of the water stats
anyway they seem happy enough - but one seems to consider himself a bit of an aquascaper
I came down this morning to discover that he had been digging under the bogwood and has made a HUGE mound of sand at the front of the tank; half the plants are uprooted and its really not the look I was after
But he seems happy enough
The bloke I got them from reckons they are 2 years old and they are only about 7" not included tail - do you think they are stunted? I am going to rehome them once I know they are fit and healthy. I also want to make sure they are going to people with tanks that are suitable - I'm not rescuing them to then send them on to conditions like they came from

anyway they seem happy enough - but one seems to consider himself a bit of an aquascaper

But he seems happy enough

The bloke I got them from reckons they are 2 years old and they are only about 7" not included tail - do you think they are stunted? I am going to rehome them once I know they are fit and healthy. I also want to make sure they are going to people with tanks that are suitable - I'm not rescuing them to then send them on to conditions like they came from