I agree on this.mike455555 said:get rid of bubbler, move wood so its closer togeather just off center add more plants like Barclaya longifolia or Aponogeton Crispus at the back and some crypts at the front
Yes i like the look of them. can all these plants grow in my gravel? as ive had to tie my java fern to the stonestmoney7 said:I would have to agree with mike but i also might add that you could try some anubias barteri var. nana in the front of the tank, they are fairly easy plants to take care of and don't require very much light. Mine seem to grow new leaves all of the time and i love them!
great stuff thanks. how many plants would you recommend for the front of the tank? also will any of these plants take much maintanance? i dont mind abit of maintanance as i do a weekly 50% water change an id do thenmike455555 said:the Aponogeton Crispus and barclaya might need a root tab but other wise gravel should be fine, as for the amount, id recommend 3 barclaya iv got 4 in my tank, i'll grab a snap quickly for you