Rescaped My Tank


Fish Crazy
Apr 30, 2007
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What do you think

am waiting on plants to arrive before i get new fish
Significant improvement, love those big rocks, what are you planning on stocking it with?
I am thinking of a schoal of pgmy cories to breed (hopefully)

and maybe some dwarf spotted rasboras

Im also going to get a black background for it
how many litres isit? im re-scaping my 60L atm. cant wait. i will post pics when i start and then what it looks like when im finished. cant wait to se your tank when finished. when you getting the plants
It is 45l

plants should arrive friday (i Hope)

will be getting fish friday also
a small update

i have added in an asorted plant set and some mossballs. i have also attached some java moss to my bog wood

fish will be arriving next week

the tank as it is

Wow! That looks beautiful!! Definitely a major improvement. Where did you get the plant pack from? You get them locally or online?

Again, well done. :good: :good: :good:

Looks great! :D :good:
What ferts do you plan on using for your plants? DIY CO2? Or pressurized? Or none?
i got the plant pack off of ebay.

i am not using ferts or c02 yet however i might get some in the future
most of those plants wont grow, they never do. i think i spot a non aquatic plant at the back. stems like to be planted in groups of 3 or 4. they look like hi light, plants with large needs in terms of light, co2 and ferts.

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