Here's a list of VITAL equipment to keep a betta as I understand:
- 3-5+ gallon tank
Filter (adjustable preferred or sponge)
Silk or live plants (some broad leaf and floating are a plus since they rest in them)
A hood
A decent light so you can grow plants
A timed socket so your betta gets a regular schedule of light on and off
Betta pellets (3-5 daily. Some prefer pre-soaked pellets)
Indian Almond Leaves or Betta Spa
Sand (since my betta likes to chill out on the bottom of the tank, I prefer sand since I know it wont rip his fins)
A toy of some sort (mine like ping pong balls)
A background (they may flare at it at first but it makes them feel more secure and like they have less territory to defend)
Frozen (thaw before serving) blood worms for varied diet and health
15 minutes of your time daily of interaction
A tank mate (more for you than the betta) in 5-10 gallons options are: Shrimp (some of the smaller ones may be eaten occasionally, but that's a tasty and healthy snack for your betta
A betta hammock. Some bettas use this, and some don't (mine don't use theirs)