Repost: Female Betta just not Dropping


Fish Crazy
Mar 27, 2005
Reaction score
Hobart, Tas
I'm quite concerned about my little snakeskin betta halfmoon. She has been heavy with eggs and constipation since I got her. I sorted out the constipation but she still hasn't lost those eggs! I had her in a female community, that didn't work, she just got nippy with the other females. I tried putting a male and her in a pseudo breeding environment, no go there either. I am just concerned that if she doesn't drop her eggs soon she'll die. I've tried adding a little salt to her tank. I have been feeding her on top quality flakes meant for Bettas. I am just stuck for ideas I guess. She does seem a little stressed, she certainly looks pregnant and it makes for awkward turning. She just looks wrong. :no:

What else can I do for her????
Well, stress is one way to make her drop them. I'd hate resorting to it, but if you're desperate, then you're desperate. Put her in a jar in a male's tank, maybe?
I've put her next to my new vt's tank all night. Nothing except she has those ready to breed lines from her. He's not interested at all. I did put her with another male before, but they weren't compatible it seems. So tonight when I get back, I don't have time now to sit and watch (you know make sure not too much violence goes on) if she hasn't dropped yet, I'll put her in with him. He is having too much fun entertaining himself, and not doing anything really.
She's the one showing interest, not him.

I guess thats what I'll have to do. Poor girl.
I'll poke around on the internet and see if I can come up with anything else that might help her. Poor girl. I've lost a few to being's not a pretty way to go.

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