Replacing The Black Shark


Nov 4, 2005
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i want some thing that will injoy a 59 gallon tank the tank is 2 foot high wide and long i hopeing for a surgesten of a fish that can grew as big as the tank allows and is happy and Peaceful i have 5 cory and 2 Bristlenose Plecostomids in there and 3 Zebra loachs i would like this fish to stand out as the main fish of the tank thanks
I don't feel I know enough about the character of zebra loaches to advise for tank mates on them. If they are really peaceful, then a small group of pearl/lace gouramis would look good in that tank (1 male only). I know this is not A fish, but several- but they do look stunning. Or a gold/opaline/blue gourami.
my choice for that tank is a pair of festivums :good:
im more looking for a single one but its more centerpiece typ fish is realy what this is for thats why i want to get one that will grew big but still be happy with the size of the tank cuz most peepl seem intrested to see a bigger fish i hope i kind find one thats good when i do i will get rid of the shark cuz so far he has not attacked any thing and theres lots of hideing placers for the other fish but i do want to return it when i do i may be able to get the new fish free cuz the manager is a friend and he gave the shark to me free to start with (oh if its a realy intresting looking fish that will only be happy if there are 2 if theres room i would buy 2)thanks for all the surgestions so far :D................................oh and i have anuther big tank that has only gouramis in it they look cool but i have alot all ready oh and i no about how they can kill each other if theres to many males but i have had no truble with 3 male blues and 2 male moon lights and 3 females) oh and im willing to pay a fair bit for this fish if it looks realy nice and is what im looking for
If you've already got your gourami quote filled, I'd go with The-Wolf's suggestion, or some other peaceful New World cichlid (but nothing that gets territorial at the bottom, obviously, because the corys are there).
i took a look at the festivums typ fish wolf surgested,%20American%20Medium.htm but they seem a little lacking in color they look nice but i think i will see if i can find some thing a bit brighter first ...................oh and the tank i have has real plants in it i found with the gouramis they would kill any liveing plants in there tank so i should add some thing that wont destroy plants i dont mind them eating the plants a little but the gouramis up root and bite throo every thing in 2 days .......oh how big of a fish would go okay in this sort of a tank?
right okay i wont get then..... well any more surgestions?one thing that sounds intresting about the severum i thort was that it sounds smart cuz it say it seems to Recognize peepl and swimms to meet them :D dose any one no of other fish like this :drool:
all cichlids do, mostly its because they're hungry.
my red devils follow me around the room in their tank always begging for food.
but yeah severums are meant to be a more peaceful cichlid. thats not exactly true, i had a male one about 6-7" that i sold last saturday, i got £30 for him :D :p but he was very aggressive and attacked all my other fish, even the devils. so they are alot more aggresive than what people make them out to be.
i thort it was going to be ruther easy to find a good sized and good colored fish for the tank that would take the sharks place hmmmm oh what are red devils like?.........or any sort of fish you think i should check out ?

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