Replacing Stock Media In Eheim 2224


Fish Fanatic
Nov 14, 2011
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I'm thinking about replacing bottom basket filling in my eheim 2224. Instead of simple mech media and blue coarse sponge fill everything with eheim bio mech. I'm tired of cleaning blue sponge where most of my pest snails reside now and wonder if I should just fill everything with mech media and have added benefit of bio to compensate for absence of sponge (since that is where bio filtration start). Is that good idea? Does anyone have any experience with bio mech? And how would that affect my flow? Thanks.
if the filter already has other mech media then I see no problem with filling the baskets all with bio.

the choice of the bio should make no difference. If bacteria grows on'll work!
Ok, to be more specific current media is: bottom basket - eheim mech(ceramic rings) plus coarse sponge, top basket basket - eheim substrate pro plus fine pad.

So I'd like to make all if my media - bio, but wonder what to go for: bio mech or siporax. Both of them have mech abilities, but siporax seems like a better option as rings provide better flow and surface area is better for bio filtering than with eheim. My only concern that absence of coarse sponge would make top basket needed to be cleaned more frequently as well replacing fine pad, right?

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