Replacing An Inny With An Outy.


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2007
Reaction score
Rotherham, UK.
I was thinking of replacing my Juwel internal filter in my Rekord 96 with a Tetratec EX 600 external canister filter, simply because I wanted a better filter for the fish, and like the reviews they have been getting concerning the quality and how they polish the water up so well (Cloudy water has been a niggling issue for me recently) However, I was wondering a couple of things:

Will it be easy to remove the internal filter in the first place? I've read about how to do it, but who has actually done it, how did you do it, and how well did it work?

Secondly, what about cycling? Can I run this new filter alongside my current one to cycle it, or will that harm the fish as with a "Fish-in" cycle? My local fish stockist (Maidenhead) sells bacteria(?) that allow for instant stocking of aquariums (From the refrigerator), would this be suitable? If not, how best to go about preparing this filter, as fishless cycling may be hard as I have no other tank to keep my fish in.

Lastly, what do you people think of the EX range from Tetratec as a filter? Any good?

Many thanks.

just run the external with the internal for about a month and you will be ok. Good choice with the tetratec btw!

Ok so the Internal would handle the proper filtration, whilst the external cycles?

What about taking the old filter out? Anyone found a good way to do this?
Ok so the Internal would handle the proper filtration, whilst the external cycles?

What about taking the old filter out? Anyone found a good way to do this?

theres are an earlier thread discussing this, its recomendation being to use a long adjustable stanley knife blade to slice through the slicone.
Tetratec get my vote, recently installed two 1200 on my 600ltr and they are doing great. My only advice is to wash the components thoroughly as mine were quite dusty.
Another question, a bit of a beggar this one, if I run the previous filter alongside the Tetratec, how do I fit the spraybar/"In" pipe in, as the Juwel filter casing sits right inside/below the gap made for the powerhead cable to run out of? Is there some way of fitting the spraybar in, or am I right in thinking the part of the spraybar that hooks over the tank wall is rigid? If so, I can't see how I can feed the spraybar unit back in whilst keeping the filter where it is, which is needed to cycle the new filter. Ugh.

Any ideas?

P.S. Yeah I know I'm being a bit of a wet blanket here, but I'd rather do this than buy the thing and not be able to fit it.

Many thanks.
isn't there a gap for wires etc on the other side of the tank you could use? if not, it isnt much trouble to cut a small notch out of the plastic lid flap to fit it through
You dont need to run the old filter alongside the new one. Its the media that is matured not the filter.

Remove the sponge media (and other media if poss) and stuff it in the tetratec.

Start the tetratec off. You now have the same amount of media in your tetratec as you had before.

I have an EX700 and yes it is damn good

Where abouts do I put the media from my current filter into the new one? Will there be enough room for the new and old media at the same time, and how long do I need to leave it like this ebfore I can use only the Tetratec media?
well ive just set up y fluval fx5 to my tank....i took my two exsisting filters squeezed out alot out crap into a bucket<fishtank only>and took exsisiting external filter water into bucket...had 8litres of cr%)....added this to my fluval left it a while then all systems go.......this should start the seeding prosess....i would not reccomend emptying your exsisting filter into new one...may not fit right etc....always better to run the two..then in about a month think about either lossing it or running them together :good:
Ok so squeeze and remove as much watery fish-mess and stuff as I can into the new filter, any suggestions as to which tray? Or just anywhere? Also is this safe to run with all my fish still in or do I run the risk of hurting them?

Many thanks.
There is no need for it to fit properly.

You have in your tetratec 4 baskets.

You have no need for carbon unless you are removing meds so take the carbon bag out and stuff in the old filter media.

Once its been in there a week or so you can choose to remove it and put the carbon back in if you so wish or like me replace it with a load of filter floss.

Bingo, sounds like the best idea, I'll probably do that, then do what you did and put in floss, save me messing around if I need to add meds (Touch wood).

Many thanks Andy!
exactly carbon has a short life so should you need it to remove the meds then you have it there ready and still fresh.

The floss is 69p in Wilko for enough for 3 or 4 refills.

Ordered the filter today, after finding it nearly £25 cheaper online than in my LFS, nasty shock when I got there and saw the price! Shall undoubtedly be whinging about how I cannot fit it in a couple of days! But many thanks to all who helped!

A little extra bonus-point question - Will getting a new filter affect where I should put the heater in my tank? Currently it's right next to the powerhead, and it heats the tank thoroughly all over, but will the spraybar mean I should reconsider the location?

If your tank has good circulation it shouldn't really matter.

I use an inline heater so can't really comment on the positioning of internals as I just used to put it wherever it was hidden best


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