Replacing A Fluval 105


Fish Fanatic
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
Hi all,

I have a Fluval 105 filter on my Fluval duo deep 600 (96 litres) Its working fine at the moment but after reading a lot of postings on here im think of replacing it.
I was wondering what external filter i should replace it with? or should i leave it as is ? The filter is about a year old and i have a budget of about £100

many thanks all
I have a Fluval 105 filter on my Fluval duo deep 600 (96 litres) Its working fine at the moment but after reading a lot of postings on here im think of replacing it.
I was wondering what external filter i should replace it with? or should i leave it as is ? The filter is about a year old and i have a budget of about £100

If your tank is healthy and you are not having problems with the filter itself, I would leave it alone. Don't let the negative comments against Fluvals from a few very vocal posters push you to purchase a new filter. The most important thing is that you have a healthy tank not that you have the filter people tell you that you need.
I have a five year old Fluval on my tank tthats still running fine. The only thing to watch with these is the Main seal ring. They can degrade without warning, so always good to keep one in stock. Spot anything unusual on the existing sel, replace it before it fails, and you should be fine for years to come. Most problems with equipment are caursed by wear and tear, but they are exagerate by lack of vidulance.
IMO the fluvals are better than the Ehiems. Fluval have got a bad name, because their early filters were not un to much. I don't know many more people with a 04 or 05 model that has had more problems than they would with any other brand.

If the filter is working fine then as said above i would leave it alone. It is a good idea have a internal filter on standby in case of emergencies.

How someone can say fluvals are better than eheims is laughable - the vast majority of people who don't like eheims have never owned one.
Hi all,

I have a Fluval 105 filter on my Fluval duo deep 600 (96 litres) Its working fine at the moment but after reading a lot of postings on here im think of replacing it.
I was wondering what external filter i should replace it with? or should i leave it as is ? The filter is about a year old and i have a budget of about £100

many thanks all

Why replace something that is working fine? Don't listen to all the garbage on here. A lot of it is exagerations of the truth about fluval. I have had my 304 for 7+ years and just started a fx5 which has only been going for about a month.

How someone can say fluvals are better than eheims is laughable - the vast majority of people who don't like eheims have never owned one.

I do agree about fluval not being better than ehiem. Although, a good portion of ehiem owners also have never owned a fluval and still give it a bad name.

To theOP, we have 2 members on here who seem to think there opinion should be taken as god's and their's are the only ones that matter. Stay tuned for them as they will be coming shortly.
I was simply expressing my opinion after running BOTH eheim and fluval. I respect the opinins of the Ehiem owners, and hope they respect my point of view also. I always seemed to be having problems with my Ehiem, but then it was my first exturnal....mebe newbies syndrome? Possible this indicates that Fluval are slightly more newbie friendly, or mebe I just got unlucky and bought one of a select few dodgy Ehiems that slip quality control... An Ehiem would do the job of filtering your tank, but my experience has shown the Fluval to be better. Eveyones expirences are different, and my experience may be a one off, given the good name of the Ehiem brand. Presumably Chri$, you have owned a Fluval as well as an Ehiem, and are thus in a position to comment? Also, please explain how I wrote my post to make it sound like I didn't own a Ehiem, so that I can avoid making that mistake again.

Thanks and all the best
Wow i didnt want it all to kick off on here!!!!!

I think ill keep my Fluval for a while and get a spare "o" ring ready for if and when it leaks. I have been impressed with the fluval so far , the only problem i have is when i clean it out it always seems to chuck out some rubbish after i have primed it and started it no matter how much i seem to clean it. I clean all the sponges and shake the bio media in there baskets in tank water so i not sure where the rubbish comes from. Maybe the pipes? Any advice would be greatly appreciated
I was simply expressing my opinion after running BOTH eheim and fluval. I respect the opinins of the Ehiem owners, and hope they respect my point of view also. I always seemed to be having problems with my Ehiem, but then it was my first exturnal....mebe newbies syndrome? Possible this indicates that Fluval are slightly more newbie friendly, or mebe I just got unlucky and bought one of a select few dodgy Ehiems that slip quality control... An Ehiem would do the job of filtering your tank, but my experience has shown the Fluval to be better. Eveyones expirences are different, and my experience may be a one off, given the good name of the Ehiem brand. Presumably Chri$, you have owned a Fluval as well as an Ehiem, and are thus in a position to comment? Also, please explain how I wrote my post to make it sound like I didn't own a Ehiem, so that I can avoid making that mistake again.

Thanks and all the best

You did not make your post read as if you had not owned a Eheim filter Rabbut, i said the majority of people hadn't owned an eheim, not everyone, that comment wasn't aimed at you.

I have owned both eheims and fluvals and have had noting but trouble wih fluvals, whereas my eheims just keep on running without a problem.
You did not make your post read as if you had not owned a Eheim filter Rabbut, i said the majority of people hadn't owned an eheim, not everyone, that comment wasn't aimed at you.

Sorry Chri$, Looks like I misunderstood your comment.

I have owned both eheims and fluvals and have had noting but trouble wih fluvals, whereas my eheims just keep on running without a problem.

Strange the way things go. Sorry to hear you are having issues with your fluvals.

All the best

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