Replacement Water ?


New Member
Apr 14, 2004
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I was told by the Aquarium to stock up tap water which is to replace the water to be taken out of the tank 24 hrs in advance of the water change.

Is this correct/necessary ?
IMO you dont need to do that so long as you dechlorinate your fresh tap water and have it roughly at the same temp as the tank water,but you MUST dechlorinate it before adding it to your tank.

I have well water which is very cold and, I worry, perhaps not as rich in oxygen as it could be. So, the day before a change, I leave the water in a bucket with a loose cover over night that I have just for that purpose. This brings the water to room temperature and helps to expose it to air.


What if you use a python to change the water. How do you add the conditioner before it gets to tje tank
Dechlorinators work instantly when they come into contact with the chlorine. Add dechlorinator to the aquarium, then fill with the python.
thecichlidaddict said:
What if you use a python to change the water. How do you add the conditioner before it gets to tje tank
Dechlorinators work instantly when they come into contact with the chlorine. Add dechlorinator to the aquarium, then fill with the python.
:blink: Should I turn off the filters while the declorinators are put in? If so, how long?

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