Replacement Fish


New Member
Apr 24, 2003
Reaction score
England, UK
Due to the death of my 5 mature tiger barbs and Redtailed shark from stress cause unknown (platies/tetras and cories fine -_- )I now have space in the middle of my tank for some new additions.

I have ruled out gouramis as the filter is quite powerful and they wouldnt be able to nest.

i was thinking of a couple of Cichlids? maybe angels?

Does anyone have any advice on this or any other suggestions? :thumbs:
Hi Teresa

I wouldn't choose angels as they do eat smaller tetras. How about rainbow fish I don't know much about them but they always look nice in LFS.

Or if it's possible fit a spray bar to your filter to spread the current, some of the smaller gourami's.

David :fish:
:D I agree to fitting a spray bar, i use one because i keep many little fish.
Angel are a f--ker for eating little fish and very territorial.
Try mountian minnows for mid water, neons even old guppies

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