replaceing a pleco


Fish Crazy
May 11, 2005
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suffolk uk
ive got a small this small tank and put a baby pleco in a year ago and i am going to move him into my bigger tank now he has grown ,and wanted to know if there are any better bottom feeders that are suited to a smaller tank as i want something to play clean up.


by the way the phot makes it look a lot thiner than it really is it measures about 15 inches across and deep
how many gallons does the tank hold? its hard to say without knowing how big the tank is and how many/what other fish you have.
10 gallons approx its a livebearer tank with 2 glass cats 2 mollies 4 glow lites and a crab that sits in the filter. also some ghost and cherry shrimp
well since the tank is tall and not very long, it is technically equal to a 5 gallon stocking level-wise....i would go with a group of cories, but the tank is so small that i just don't know how they would do...mollies get very big and with the stocking level at what it is, i would have to say it is pretty heavily stocked arleady and i'm not too sure how a group of cories would do -_-
just a single fish will be better. i do have other tanks to put mollies into when they get to big. this is my smallest tank (except my betta bowls) i want one small fish that will clear up the bottom. the tank is regulary maintained and i dont have any problems with over stocking . i mean the largest thing is two small mollies that will be moved before they even get two inchs long

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