Repeated Ich treatment


Fish Fanatic
Oct 16, 2004
Reaction score
Surrey, UK

Last week I noticed a few 'sand/grain' like spots o my plec. Decided to treat for Ich as a precaution because of the clowns. Finished the course as per instructions. Last dosage on Wed,

However over the last couple if days one clown appears to have similar spots. Only 3 or 4 not in usual places e.g gills or fins. Nobody else appears to be effected but there has been occasional flicking from some barbs.

Can I treat again so soon after the last course? Never tried salt as some of you swear by it. Would my fish in sig all be safe with salt?

Thanks in advance
I had to reapply and then ultimately change the meds I was using from a med that contained malachite green to one that contained methylene blue and boy what a difference. the malachite green one just would not shift the peky ich but after using just 2 doses or methylene blue it has gone, but i have added another dose just to make sure. what med are u using???
I used Interpet no. 6 on whitespot in my tanks recently. I had to repeat the course of the meds for 4 weeks before it went! You should keep re-dosing as per instructions on the bottle till no signs of spots are seen and then do at least one more dose for good measure.

No. 6 needs to be added every 3 days (or on day no. 4 as they put it), don't leave a gap, just keep adding it every 3 days but do a 25% water change before you add the dose each time. I know they only give instructions for 2 doses in there but you can just keep repeating the dose. Hang in there, you will beat it eventually :)

Not used any other meds for this so can't comment on those.

As BettaMomma says NO SALT, it will hurt your plecs and clowns
Started another course today. Doesn't appear to have got any worse but won't cure itself. I've been using Waterlife Protozin coz it's safe with invertabrates. If this doesn't work gonna have to look at alternative treatments

@ Great Lakes - Don't use carbon in my filter.

Actually, you can use salt to treat ich in your tank if you have plecos. The thing is, salt is actually better because you only need to use the salt and raised temp. for a week where by using medications you usually have to use them for 3-4 weeks and most times you have to re-medicate. That medication stuff can be stressfull for fish and I would rather get it over and done with quickly rather then medicating for a long period of time. I personally have used salt in my tank with 2 plecos and they did just fine. My pictus cat caught a really bad case of ich which got really bad, so after doing research on what to do, I chose to do the raised temp. and 2 tsp. salt per gallon. A week later the last spot fell off my pictus cat and I left the salt in the tank for week after that. Then I just did my normal weekly water change with fresh water(no salt). Anyways, I have 2 plecos and Clown Loaches and they did just fine. The ich never showed on any of the other fish in the tank. It tells about all the meds and what they do also. Here is the website to the article I read.

Good luck

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