Repashy Magnet


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Tank of the Month 🏆
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Fish of the Month 🌟
Dec 31, 2022
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Baltimore, MD
Golden sailfin Molly ocular albino fry born February 25 mauling a piece of Grub Pie Repashy. They love this stuff. Free Mollies to anyone in the Baltimore area. My two lfs will take some of these golden nuggets but not all. I’ll try my local fish club too.
Might want to rub a little of that on your nets before catching fish.

It works very well with shrimps tho.
I always found it really fun to find ways to trick anything into a trap, where you can move it and...

It looks it's still asking itself what happened for a while... loll...

You can pick shrimps one by one without nobody noticing... Up too a certain point. If they get it, bye bye.

But just for fun... I was able to use pvc coated wire with a food pellet attached to the tip to fish them to the surface one by one and then scoup'em off with ease with a black kitchen ladle.

All the shrimps are moved out and I didn't even touch a plant. That was a lot of surgical work, but is was fun to try to be able to bring them out without "noticing" too much and dropping them.

It's like a precision game, no sudden movement, once in position it's a matter of seconds.
When I kept shrimp, it was too easy to siphon out the little 1s, The hard part was picking them out of the bucket of "stuff" in the wastewater. It's a skill for good eyesight, I know I lost a couple each water change. I had to quit trying to save every tiny shrimplet & go for quantity of WCs over quantity of tiny shrimp saved. Made my life much easier & there were no notable losses.

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