Rena Aqualife 200 X 50

I dont own one personally, but i do know they are the 'Rolls Royce' of aquariums, the price reflects this. Rena also give you a 5 year guarantee which can only be a good thing. In my opinion, go for it! the higher price only represents quality!
Thanks Adam. That pretty much reflects my thoughts.

I've had the go-ahead from the missus now, so its looking good. :good:

Anyone actually had experience of this tank?

Thanks again.

No experience with the tank, but I do have with their exturnals. The exturnals are very quiet and don't seem to clogg too quick. I have obsered channeling when ceramics aren't in the bottom basket though. The main seals are unreliable IME, leaking after each opening, and in need of replacement after every other clean as Vasaline doesn't fix the leak :/ If you can aford a new seal every other clean, they are good filters, otherwise....

I belive the XP4, supplied with that tank, had issues with being too powerful and snapping the impeller shaft and even the impeller itself, so I'd try to find a few users with this model, that I bought it recently, to see if this issue has been fixed yet :nod:

700l+, wow I'm gelous....You must have one big alcove that needs filling :good:

All the best
Thanks for the heads up on the filter, Rabbut.

700l+, wow I'm gelous....You must have one big alcove that needs filling :good:

I think that website is slightly mis-leading on that. The Rena website claims a total volume of 619l, with a recommended capacity of 580l, so i don't know where they get 723l from?

Still, big enough! :D

I'll probably add an Eheim 2080 on in addition to the XP4. :good: The XP4 on its own would only give me 1550lph (2.7 x turnover), but with an additional Eheim 2080 (1700lph), it would be a total of 3250lph (5.6 x turnover).

Cheers :good:


Edited to say: I just worked out the volume based on the tank measurements (200 x 50 x 74) and it comes out to be 740 litres. Obviously it won't fill to the top, but i'm unsure what the actual useable capacity will be. Everywhere seems to tell a different story! :dunno:
regarding the Eheim 2080, i reccomend it, i run one myself and it is very good! You wont need to touch it ofr about 6 months! :good:
I think this is going to be my next tank :hyper: and wondered if anyone else has it?

Reviews please.


Cheers :good:


I've got it's kid brother - the 150cm long version. No major complaints, and my LFS supplied two XP2 filters instead of one XP3 so I probably got better circulation and had the (never actually needed, thankfully) redundancy of at least having some filtration if one packed up.

Actually, one minor grumble - the way the lights are arranged on mine is two big metal beams each carrying a pair of 120cm tubes, I think yours would be 2 x 180cm if the come that long? Anyway, the way these attach to the tank means they're a bit of a faff to lift off and to get the back one off (e.g. to fiddle with equipment back there) you need to take the front one off too. And given they're covered in condensation water this can get a bit messy. The hood area isn't very tall either, so I suspect using any alternative higher power lighting would mean doing away with the cover panels altogether, which to me makes the metal top rim a bit redundant...

Other grumble is that the tank really is designed to run in Rena mode - the end cabinets are big enough to house the filter supplied (and the extra one if you choose), but this pretty much uses up your "hidden" space - that middle section of the cabinet (and yours will be twice as wide as mine) isn't so useful I find, I'd rather the whole lot was doored-up as it were, then I could put a nice big sump under the tank instead of getting the little one I'm planning on right now. On the subject of using 2 externals, one downside is it makes it pretty hard to use an auto top-up as you've nowhere really for the water reservoir - my new setup means I have a 25-litre jerry can of RO in one cabinet and the sump will be in the other. Can't recommend top-up enough, for the cost of the Tunze Osmolator and a big water container you get constant water level and no more tide marks at the water surface.

And finally - if you're thinking you could convert to sump filtration just by using an overflow, forget it - unless you make your own. The Tunze and Aqua Medic models I checked out both require the metal rim to be less tall, so it's a hacksaw job looming for me at the mo...

Thanks everyone for your input.

I'd still also like to hear from someone who owns this particular tank to get some first-hand reviews, if at all possible. Anyone?

C'mon, nobody owns one of these tanks?

C'mon, nobody owns one of these tanks?

Not yet, but we'll be ordering ours in a couple of weeks :drool:

We're upgrading from a 60ishL Rena to this one. We've just had an extension built on our house and undertaken a downstairs remodel - everything has been planned around this tank since the plans were submitted :)

Think we are going to have a bit of a shock when the first water bill arrives.

We are also trying to decide on how to do the switch from one tank to the other as the current tank is going to be used as a Q tank so we can't remove everything straight away. We only have a few fish in our current tank (6 tetras, 5 amano shrimps and 1 BN) so they aren't going to create a lot of waste in the new tank to begin with.

The tank is going to house a LARGE number of tetras as we like the idea of a lot of movement and a big shoal of one sort of fish rather than lots of 'feature' fish. There will also be a few more plecs (hopefully some albino BN's).

Perhaps we could set up a Rena 2m club!

I have the Rena Aqualife 120 Corner and I am very impressed with it. I was looking at the model you are getting the other day in our local garden centre and its looks very well made indeed. I was dragged away by the wife before I got any sill ideas though :)
ive got the smaller version (the model before aswell)

great tank havent had any problems with it untill last week. when the lighting unit has been kicking the rcd out. so ive got to have a look at that. i wouldnt trust the filter afrer 1-2 years. mine leaked and lost a good 35 gallons from it over night.

but the tank itself seems great.

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