Removing Vista


Jan 10, 2008
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My laptop came with XP - sometime thereafter I opted for the costly upgrade to Vista Ultimate at circa £350.

I have now found Lunix however still dual booting from either, and I am that impressed with it - I am thinking of taking Vista off my laptop
and having XP back on with dual booting to Lunix.

Now, is there an easy way of doing this?

P.s the reason im getting rid of Vista, is to save some space on my harddrive, as Vista took a lot of space compared to XP
When I installed vista on my computer, it was a bugger to get it off. I think you need your original XP discs...
easy... format the disk & reinstall...... just make sure you have the correct disks & trivers and a complete backup
Install XP, and install it over the vista partition, although it may take some jiffying with the bootloader.
hmm well, XP worked fine - however i did notice, once Vista was one, id lost so much disc space - just a bit unsure about getting it back to XP
can u just run XP CD from boot and format the drive, and start again?
Course this means saving all your personal data and pic somewhere else or another drive?

This would be the easy way.
i just want to make sure i get my free space back on my harddrive - i may just do a boot disk and format the hd
XP will do that, or even smaller get win 98 :) and very stable :)
well, after using lunix - i want to use that is my primary os, and use xp as a backup - but in doing so, i should free up a load of hd space, anyone else using lunix?
i have it but dont use it umbua or something.

once set edit boot.ini in notepad
or goto run, enter regedit. and have a look at boot.ini there safely as u cant edit it.
I run maryan. What distro are you thinking of using?

The majority of distros come with gparted (harddrive partioning and formatting software) so run the live disk and type into the command line "sudo gparted" this will run gparted as admin and wipe the hardrive completely. Then make two main partitions 10 gb is enough for xp if its only used as a backup and install your choice of linux to the rest (don't forget the 2gb swap partition). Grub will then handle boot loading and you will be good to go with little effort. You may find this useful
thanks for the advice - ive actually now put xp back on, god, got loads of room on the hd now, vista really had used up a lot. - i had previously used wubi which does the dual part on the hd, and i used linux mainly after that
Linux is an umbrella term for 1500+ operating systems I assume by you using wubi you are using Ubuntu which is a pretty good one to get started with, personally I loathe it with a passion as its developing team imo has lost track
Uni uses Linux Red Hat, and I'll be making the switch myself arround Easter or during the summer break :good:
yes, im using ubuntu - its actually crashed twice in 24/hours, ill leave it for now and see whats what - having a job going into certain websites, such as facebook's yovile, and at present i cant watch youtube vids, so i may need to reinstall it again to resolve that issue.

nice flashy looks like burning effect upon opening/closing windows, rotating cube etc, although im still getting a feel for it

just out of curiousity - whats everyone's fave linux?

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