Removing the carbon on your filter


Fish Herder
Jan 30, 2004
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Is it true that most or a lot of your beneficial bacteria in the filter is trap on the carbon. I read that having carbon on your filter with Discus is not a good idea so I decided to get it off since i put a pouch of Nitra-Zorb on it's place. Would your tank go into a minicycle if you remove carbon right away?. This might sound dumb but I just need some reassurance....
Is it true that most or a lot of your beneficial bacteria in the filter is trap on the carbon.

I would say no. The bacteria will grow on any surface, and I'd guess that your filter media/sponge/floss has a lot more surface area than the carbon granules.

The main reason that people don't normally use carbon is probably the fact that its effective lifetime is pretty short, so it's generally not worth the effort/cost.

The main reason that people remove carbon is because after it's "full" of toxins, it can leach them back into the water.

Would your tank go into a minicycle if you remove carbon right away?.
Doubtful, assuming your tank is well-established.

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