Removing Silicon


Fish Connoisseur
Mar 2, 2009
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I have started on the mamoth task of cleaning up a rio 400. I have removed the Juwel filter from the middle of the tank and there are 6 huge blobs of silicon on the glass. Whats the best way to remove it? I have tried a plastic ice scraper but its having no effect.
A decorator's paint scraper does the job exceedingly well. Safe for your hands. You could use a bare razor blade - but you'd end up with cut fingers most likely. The decorator's craper works really well because of the handle etc. Quite cheap too.
Me and razor blades LOL I would have no fingers left, will try a paint scraper, just hope I dont scratch the glass too bad!

Thanks everyone
Me and razor blades LOL I would have no fingers left, will try a paint scraper, just hope I dont scratch the glass too bad!

Thanks everyone

Make sure the blade is fresh and sharp. That way if you get yourself it will be a clean cut :lol:
I use a normal razor (you know the cheap thing you use to do your legs !!) and break the bit off the bottom, the safety part, that way you have something to hold so you wont lose your fingers and you can also angle it precisely to scrap away, silicone comes off really easily.
Thanks everyone the scraper has worked :good: just got to get rid of the build up of salt, white barnically sort of patches and the general gunk. Dont you just love second hand tanks sometimes lol

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