Removing LED Thermometers....


Fish Herder
Sep 21, 2004
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As most of you know I picked up a bunch of used tanks. I have fully tested and the LED Thermometer on one is dead. I would like to remove it, but fingernails nor a knife will do it. :/

Does anyone have any ideas on how to remove it?

Try using a razor blade. If you can find flat razor blades you can take the old thermometer off very easily. Razors also work very well if you need to get calcium build up off of used tanks. (I have a bunch of used tanks so I know first hand!)
I will have to try that, hopefully it will work. Tank is at 78.7 and the LED shows it off the scale............ :/

I use a Digital. More accurate. :)
i peeled mine off cos it didnt even wor and detracted fromt he look of the tank, i used the corner of a ruler but it came off in very many small pieces rather than a few big pieces :X took quite a while!

if you use a razor blade, be careful not to scratch teh tnak, you can't repair scratches in glass tanks.
You can repair scratches, just call your local windshield place. :lol:

I wouldn't recommend fish be in it while they fix it though. :crazy:
It would be hard to scratch glass with a razor blade. How much pressure are you applying to do that? I always try to be careful so I don't cut myself, it would just be too hard to explain to doctors. "Yea, I cut myself with a razor blade but I was cleaning a fish tank! I swear!" :lol: If you do scratch the glass just turn the tank around! Might have to redecorate but you wouldn't have to look at the scratch.
Unless deep cuts in the glass small scratches on the inside of a tank are fixed by the water. I had a tank when empty you could hardly see threw it and will filled looked just like a new one.

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