Removing Juwel Backing


plant your tank
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Oct 12, 2009
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Lincoln uk
hey guys and girls, has anyone removed Juwel backing from an aquarium (silicone)?

I have my decorators knives, is there anything else i will need?

BTW was it difficult to remove, did it leave a mess on the glass?
Yes m8 I had 2 panels in my old trigon 190 then decided to remove them after 8 months.

I have a lovely thin, flexible knife about 8 inches long the Mrs brought it under the guise of "sharpest knife in the world" well i rescued it from the kitchen it goes through silicon like a knife through butter.

I then used a fresh stanley knife blade to get rid of the excess silicon of the glass

Like anything plan it and go slow :good: Ian.
was it easier than you thought or a real pain in the rear?
the actual removal of the two panels was not that bad to be honest.

I found cleaning the silicon left on the glass after taking the panels out a pain and that took the time.

Why you taking yours out? more space?

Regards onebto
more space and it gives me a bit more idea to play with when i re-scape it. Thank a lot for the advice, i'll have to get some razor blades as well. I did think about silicone remover, that may/will be a bit dangerous though. lol.

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