Removing a mouthbrooding Aulonocara female


New Member
Oct 2, 2003
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New York
I know this is a long shot, but does anyone have any advise on removing a mouthbrooding female Aulonocara without having to remove all the stone work ??? :/ I am going to put her in a separate tank in a few days.......
lots and lots of patience and luck.......smb most of the time if I catch my holding females in time I also remove them this is for two reasons one so that she can get a nice rest from the males so that they aren't hounding her thos little hound dogs that they are, and two so that the fry have a better chance at survival.
What I meant by asking if there was a reason to move her was, I would leave her in the tank and move the male instead. :)
Juanveldez hit it on the head, that is the exact reason. Also I have other species that chase her all over the place, she looks like she is burning out now. Not only do I feel bad for her but I would like to save the fry (Aulonocara Baenschi (Sunshine Peacock)). She spit her first batch I'm just trying to make this go around a little easier. I have the spawning on video if you want to see it send me your E-mail address and I'll send you the video clip (about 30 sec worth). :D
smb I like to think of it this way.... people go to the hospitol to have babies and so do my fish, cause usually by the time that she is ready to spit out the wee ones the males have chased her nonstop and so she has had a few fin nips and so instead of treating a 75 gallon tank it is much easier to treat a 10 gallon tank plus she definatly needs the rest time to build up her fat reserves again. that way she can get like you :smb: :p :D. but to paraphase something that I read... it is far more easer to remove the female for those reasons than to remove a male as he has already established his terrotory and so by removing him you effectivly place him at the bottom of the pecking order in the tank. in which the other males will seize upon this oppertunity and when you reintroduce him back to general population all heck will break loose it will be like ww3 in there.

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