Removing A Juwel Filter!


Fish Fanatic
Jan 14, 2007
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I have an internal juwel filter runing which i would like to remove if possible :rolleyes: At the minute i have the juwel filter running alongside a eheim porfessionel2 externl filter. However my tank is full of water and with fish in.... Can anyone recomend a way i can take out the filter with minimal stress to the fish and myself!

Tnx Stella
I have an internal juwel filter runing which i would like to remove if possible :rolleyes: At the minute i have the juwel filter running alongside a eheim porfessionel2 externl filter. However my tank is full of water and with fish in.... Can anyone recomend a way i can take out the filter with minimal stress to the fish and myself!

Tnx Stella

I haven't done it full of water, but I can foresee the problem being removing the silicone residue left on the glass, which would need to be scraped off, a tank divider to temporarily keep the fish at bay would work, then you can lever off gently the filter, and scrap off the silicone with a window scraper (all good DIY stores sell them for scraping dried paint off glass, they have a stanley knife blade in them). Afterwards you can sift the sand for the bits of silicone, or if you have gravel, try hoovering them up or remove the top layer and replace anew.

Good luck.
I did it recently in a heavily planted tank. All you need is a brand new Stanley Knife blade, but try and avoid cutting in the direction of the corner of the tank. You don`t want to cut the silicone there. I carried out the job with a lot of trepidation, but in reality, it went quite well.
Did mines on Sunday there , was surprisingly easy :)

firstly i removed a 3rd of the water,

got a nice solid kitchen knife with a pointy end and just pushed it down (you don't need to use any cutting motion just force the knife down into the sealant) from the top of the filter while pulling the filter away from the glass, there is 2 blobs of sealant that holds the filter on at the top ( its more like putty than silicon),

once i had freed the top i kept pulling it away ( get someone to check there's no fish about to get squished under the filter) from the tank and the bottom bits of sealant started coming away, once you have the filter at a good enough angle just use the knife to push through the remaining sealant and it should come off, got mines of in less than 5 mins :D

wish i had taken some pics so i could have made a write up.

Thanks every 1 who helped me i just finished removing it and it all went perfect despite cutting a very deep cut in my finger :rolleyes:

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