Removal Of Juwel Internal Filter


Fish Fanatic
Apr 12, 2008
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It was suggested I might be able to get some help in this section. I'm awaiting arrival of a new external filter (Tetratec EX700) for my 120L Juwel Reckord tank as the internal filter seems to be on it's last legs and I was hoping I could remove the old internal filter once the new filter was up, running and "started" biologically (whatever you call that :blush: ). I've had a little wiggle of the old filter to see how it's attached but it seems solid :blink: could anyone tell me how they're removed? Is it possible with the tank full?

Thanks in advance
With the tank full your going to get wet :) I'd drop the water level to half and try it like that :)

They are held in place with 4 or so blobs of adhesive on each face (I'd call it Silicon but its not...)

Get a sharp snap off blade (the bigger ones 25mm i think) and slide it between the tank and the filter - you might be able to see where you need to cut through the glass...
as you cut them try pulling at it - our rio 240 took very little effort to remove once one pad had gone, me pulling and flexing the filter casing caused the rest to give up and let go :)
:sad: And I was hoping it was going to be easy, I'm not worried about getting wet but was a bit worried about the fish in there (the gourami tend to get spooked and have a habit of jumping). Sounds like it'll be a fun job :S
Ive removed the box from a Rio125 and a mentioned once you start to weaken one or two of the blobs the rest come away easily, then use a flat blade to clean the excess from the glass.
i just gave mine a good yank and it came off, then scraped it with a stanly blade. ever thought about getting a new power head as well??
i just gave mine a good yank and it came off, then scraped it with a stanly blade. ever thought about getting a new power head as well??
Nah, tbh I've had enough of this internal filter it's a pain to look after IMO and not all that great even when working well. External seems like it'll be much better option all round

Thanks for the removal guide and all the advice guys :good:
To be honest you might not even have to do any scraping. I just gave my internal a good few tugs and out it came without leaving any residue at all, I was pretty chuffed! Hopefully yours will do the same.

Take care,
How are you getting on with the external?

I was considering this as my Juwel 80 Rekord Filter isnt great and doesnt pick up huge particles of poo.

With the Tetratec EX700 do you need to purchase anything else? Lily pipes etc ( I think thats what I mean )
I was considering this as my Juwel 80 Rekord Filter isnt great and doesnt pick up huge particles of poo.
Almost no filter would do that as the suction would have to be really great to suck all particles from around the tank. It helps to have a powerhead to ensure there's enough current to move & lift it. Even with 2 huge external filters on my tank AND a powerhead, I still need to do a proper gravel vac once a week to get rid of large plec poo.

Lily pipes you'd only really use for a planted tank - is yours planted?
I am going for the planted look albeit very slowly.

I vac my sand every water change, so weekly to remove bigger bits of poo. May just stick with the internal then if it wont solve that issue.

What are the advantages to an external?
MUCH easier to maintain - I clean my externals once every 6 months as opposed to declogging an internal every week. This does depend on the tank stocking and setup though and if your tank is quite planted, you'll probably have to clean your external every couple of months. But you'll also find you tank much more stable to change due the the increased surface area of filtration. Just comparing the size of an internal filter compared to external filter tells you all.
It really isn't as easy as you people make it out to be. It took me about 10mins to do one blob on my rio300, and I've gave up, it's not worth the hassle.
Get ride of it now asap :)

Removed mine out of my 120 jewel. Some elbow grease is needed but worth it.

Need sharp-knife and scourer pad. Heard mixed reports but mine came up clean. I did mine is an almost full tank.

Lot more room in the tank and more light

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