Hey guys! So quick question. I’m helping a friend set up a heavily planted 15g flex in a few weeks. Her well water is absolute garbage so we were planning on using distilled since she always has 5g water cooler jugs. (You don’t wanna drink this well water yo) what’s the best/easiest way to remineralize the distilled water? Would a product like Seachem Replenish do the job? Would mixing distilled with my tap water work better? I’d rather not haul water to her place but if that’s a better option then I def will. Our stocking plan is 1 dwarf gourami or beta, and 6 or so nano schooling fish (think chili rasboras). we’ll be using a substrate combo of gravel and either ADA Amazonia II or Eco Complete and an all in one fert like flourish or easy green. Thanks!