Rehoming Columbian Sharks


Fish Addict
Nov 25, 2003
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Southern Cali
I've been bugging my boss about getting a bigger tank for the sharks that are now in a 26 gal. and he finally told me to start looking! I am very happy right now.

He is planning on moving the 26 gal. into his office. I'm sure I'll still do the maintenance which is fine with me. Less time sitting at my desk working.

I need to know, what size tank do I need for the sharks??? What else can I put with them? I've read as they mature they require brackish water. Eventually full marine?
I just did some research and read everything from 55 gal. minimum to 200 gal.
Looks like 70 gal. is recommended most.

I'm so confused! Anybody have these guys?
I got 3 Juveniles(3") in a brackish water 55g tank. If you're going to keep them, you got to keep them in brackish water or saltwater. As they get older, they migrate to saltwater. I've heard of people keeping them in freshwater all their lives though.:dunno: I heard that they just keep to a tiny corner of the tank and take up little space cuz of that. What else you wanna know?
Mine are about the same size, one is maybe 4". Is 55 gal. enough for an adult?

What are they compatable with? I read cichlids but I don't think cichlids are brackish?
If they are the only fish in the tank, I'm sure that 55 is enough. Some will argue, but they only get 10" and a 55 is 48"x21"x18". That's more then enough turning around room. They go with sailfin mollies, some shrimps, red claw crabs(so far anyways, had them in brackish for over a month now), basically whatever the sharks can't eat. Not cichlids as cichlids ain't brackish.
They grow 8 - 10 inches and are a shoaling fish so need to be with a few of their own kind. It`s nice to hear that you are prepared to look after the fish in your own time. A 400 litre tank would be a minimum, although if you want to keep others with it then larger would be better. We have 5 in a 7ft tank, and they are in with 8 dragon/ violet gobies. These make great companions and are crazy creatures, great to watch! Keep them on sand with plenty of places to dig under such as rocks.
We feed chopped mussel, prawn and cockle (chopped very finely). Gobies are filter feeders with big mouths and poor eyesight.
Scats and monos are good too but scats grow upto 12 " so need a big tank.
All are brackish.
Midenhead aquatics are all over the country and have special brackish set ups. Good luck and have fun setting the tank up. Nice boss to set you free on the project!!!
Clare, so the larger the better, right? I don't know how much more my boss will agree to . . . I told him they would need a 150-200 gal. and he said no. I'm hoping I can get something in between, I'll try for 100 gal. (400 litres)

Would you say length is more important than depth?
Personally id recomend a minimum of a 48x20x24" tank (around 80 us gallons), of course bigger would be better but since the tank is in a work place size does need to be taken into account so a 48" tank is no too big to house but still allows a bit of swimming space.

As said any medium/large brackish fish like scats, monos, some gobies, moray eels such as Gymnothorax tile can be used as tankmates.
From experience, our sharks spend more time over one side of the tank going up and down, rather than swimming along the tank. So i would say deeper. However, mine are only young yet. They do say that most fish like deeper tanks, with a reasonable length. They swim along more after lights out.
Good luck talking your boss round, i am not sure where you live so i don`t know what deals you could get on tanks but we know of The Goldfish bowl in Oxford as being really good,also Wharf Aquatics in Pinxton, Nottingham. Both have websites.

I guess you`ll have lots of cups of coffee to make him to get this tank!!!
Thanks for the replies, I do appreciate it. If you are interested, I found this great LINK with info on brackish tanks, columbians and other brackish fish. Gobies are very cute! I will start looking this weekend at the second hand stores. I figure I may luck out and find something bigger for less.

Clare, I fortunately do not make coffee for anyone but myself :p
I am an Office Manager in California. It was the boss's idea to buy a fishtank but no research was done before the purchase. He likes animals as much as I do and is trying to do the right thing for the sharks. Hopefully everything will go smoothly and I can get a good deal he will agree to.
Forget the coffee then!!! The link you sent was great. Glad you liked the gobies, they are kind of so ugly they are cute!!!!
We are lucky because we have to travel 200 miles return journey to our favourite fish store,besides having massive selection of oddballs they are brimming with information. Currently 2 of the staff write for one of the largest fishkeeping magazines in the country.
Sounds like a great place to work which will be even better once you update the tank with these wierd and wonderful creatures!!
I am my own boss, i work from home so i have all my tanks in my lounge. I am surrounded!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Still got to make my own coffee though!!!
That is very cool! Surrounded by tanks . . . :wub:
Do you have any pics of your columbians? Or any of your tanks? I would love to see them! I have never seen a columbian tank and would like to be inspired. :D

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