Regarding the Betta Tank I am building


Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won'
Nov 19, 2004
Reaction score
Birmingham, AL
So I decided to make my tank a little larger, and thus it upped the gallons in it (well duh of course it did knew that of course). :lol:

It will be a 15 gallon tank divided up between 8 (eventually..6 for right now) Betta's.

I have a few questions for a few different things:

#1. I have decided to do the Fishless Cycling Process, as that seems more promising and easy then the regular way of I don't know what I'd do with the fish that survived, to be honest.
I read that it should take anywhere from 12-14 days to complete the cycle, and then I can add my fish.

How should I add my fish to begin with; 1 at a time, 2, 3..or all at once?

#2. Now, the instructions suggests using a plant(s) to do so. I have 4 Aponogetan bulbs started, but currently only 1 is looking very promising (only one has long shoots ..the rest look rather fuzzy and their shoots are stubby..I did move them to a sunnier window today though, to see if that might help).

Would this be a good plant to add?

What are other plants that would be good/better also?

#3. The tank is going to be divided in such a way that each "bay" will give each fish approx 1.375 gallons each. (of course all 15 gallons will be filtered thru the tank, but a section comparable to 4 gallons is sectioned off in the back to house the heater and filter that the water surface is not aggitated so much).

How many plants should I add?

Should I put plants in the rear section only ( 10"h x 29.375"L x 3"w) where the filter and heater will be, or should I put a plant in with each Betta, or put plants in all sections?

If plants should be added to all sections, how many should go in the rear section?

#4. There will eventually be 8 Betta's in this tank (6 for now..they are already here).

Should I add any tank mates;or will there already be enough fish in the tank and no more should be added?

If I should, what kind would be best? Cory's, Ghost Shrimp, Snails, ect.

If any are added, should I add them in with the Betta's, or to the rear 4 gal. section of the tank away from the Betta's?

Thanks so much for any help. :huh:
#1. Add them two at a time each week, to let them adjust. I say two because then they will have a tankmate/flaring partner, and they have time to get used to that idea.
#2. I've not had Aponegeton yet, but it's highly recommended at my LFS. I've got a little Anubias in my 2.5gal tank, and my betta loves it. You could also go with Java Fern, Hornwort, or Hygrophilia.
#3. You should put plants in with the bettas only. I say this because I can't see a reason for them to go with the filter, and they may end up getting caught in the intake depending on your filter and type of plant. It would be easier to put them in the sections because then they still receive the heating and filtration, and the bettas get to enjoy them. If you put a larger plant towards the back of the division and a smaller one in the front with a piece of terra cotta pot, it would look very nice. :)
#4. Ghost shrimp. 1-2 per section. I've currently got one ghost shrimp in my 2.5 and 2 in my 5 gallon, but I plan on increasing that number after Christmas break. I wouldn't suggest cories because they wouldn't have that much room if each section is a little over a gallon.
Your tank sounds like it's going to look really good. You'd better post pictures! :D
Thanks for the reply.

Since I have the bulbs growing I figure I will use those in the back then, and my mom just ordered me 10 dwarf Sagittaria' I'll put one of those in the front of each section (2 will go in my 10 gal at home).

Thanks...I'll be sure and post pictures much work as this is prolly gonna be, I'm sure I'll wanna show it off (IF it looks as good as I hope lmao). :lol:
Are you planning to add ammonia as well, or just the plants? -_-

I wouldn't add any tankmates personally as there isn't room in the different sections, and bettas will eat ghost shrimp. I'm sure someone will say their betta has lived with a shrimp forever, congrats, but same as snails, at some point, most get curious :p
Captain Morgan does get a little curious at times with the ghost shrimp, but they haven't had a run-in yet. ..And hey, if they do get eaten, ghost shrimp are only $0.39 where I am.
Though.. is it okay for a betta to eat a ghost shrimp? I've never had to worry about that..
I also forgot to ask if you would be cycling the tank first. Cos.. that might be kinda important.
Actually, with a fishless cycle it's recommended to add all fish at once. :nod: This is because the bacteria has built up enough for a full bioload, and if you just add one fish, the extra bacteria will die off and have to come back again when you add a new fish. It would basically be fish cycling that way. :dunno:
Thanks Julie, that's what I was after.

I read that you could..but since I have so many I wasn't sure if I should or not.

Since I am adding plants, do you know if I should cycle with them in there or what?

Should everything (ammonia, nitrites, nitrates) be at zero..or just the Ammonia and Nitrites?


Should I cycle with plants in?

Should I cycle and then add plants, then add fish?

Should I cycle and then add fish then add plants?

or Should I cycle and then add both plants and fish together?

lol dern-it this is confusing, but Geeze I'll be glad when I don't have to change 6 tanks 1-2 times a day anymore's wearing me down lol. :lol:


Yes, unfortunately for the Ghost Shrimps you read everywhere that they are compatible tank mates. I bought 8 and as of today only5 survive..and that's because they aren't in with Betta's anymore lol.

I have a few that will ignore them, but the others kill them before they hit the bottom of the tank good their hearts. I have one on my desk, and the rest are in my son's tank..with 8 neon's and 2 cory's. To be honest..I think that they are carnivorous to their own kind...I had 5 in the of last night..there are only 4 lol.

Maybe I will put a few in the back if any food get's swept back there they can get it.


Side note: I went to wal-mart looking for small terra cotta pots..and found 4 :unsure: . And well, I needed like 11. So I go off on a crusade looking for some..thinking surely the craft department would have some..nope. So I'm like, "well dern, now what". So, as I sulked down this isle, headed for the door, I see some voitive candle holders...and what-ah you know...they have little glass flower pots PERFECT size..and clear to boot...for .44 cents a piece. I grabbed everyone they had (15) lol.
It shouldn't hurt the plants any to cycle with them in. As the Nitrafication process nears it's end, the plants should help keep the nitrate level down, so you might not have to do as big of a water change at the end to get rid of the high level. You had better post pictures when you're done! When a tank is fully cycled, Ammonia, and NitrIte will be at 0, but you will have Nitrates as that is what the Ammonia is turned in to at the end of the whole process. It is the NitrAte level you will have to monitor the most in a cycled tank to make sure it doesn't get too high. Some say change it at 20 ppm's and others say change it at less. I do it at 20. You will still have to keep an eye on ammonia though just in case. Good luck with your tank!

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