Regal Blue Tang Swimbladder Problem


New Member
Apr 17, 2008
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I received a Regal Tang as a gift via mailorder. The fish was supposed to be 4-6cm but on arrival he must be 12cm. He obviously suffered in transit as he floats rapidly to the surface if he doesn't swim fast. It means he rests under anything that will support him. I have put him in a tank on his own with some drainpipe for him to rest.

I researched the net and have tried treating him with an antibacterial medication (myasin) but he remains unchanged. He is eating and will swim around occassionally, but has to rest on his side against the top of the pipe, otherwise he struggles to swim without floating to the suface.

I'm sure it's his swimbladder that is either deformed or he has taken in air but as a newbe to this hobby i'm worried. I don't want him to suffer unnecessarily.

I couldn't return him as this would have caused more distress to him.

Can anyone help.
I would return it and say it has a swim bladder problem and it is bigger than the advertised size.

The fish could have ingested air but this should have passed out within a day or so. It could have a swim bladder problem which will never get better. Or it could have the bends from being brought up from deep water to the surface too fast. My guess would be a swim bladder problem.

However, you look at it the fish is not very good and it should be sent back to where it came from.
i would tell them, but i would keep it for the sake of the fishes life. Tell the company that it isnt healthy, take pictures, but say you'll see how the fish goes.

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