Refin/tailed shark

Jo and Gra

Fish Crazy
Jun 20, 2005
Reaction score
The UK...Essex!!!
Near to finishing my fishless cycle.......

wanting four cory, some bumble bee gobies (yes they will be freshwater ones) and a pair of dwarh gourami.......

but want a shark too!

is that ok?
it says in the subtitle, a 21 gallon. hmm, 4 cories, bumble bee gobbies and a pair of dwarf gouramis along with a shark? hmm, i say ur pushin it there buddy.
redtail shark needs a bigger tank, sorry, but there are no "sharks" that would work in that size tank long term...maybe a school of serpae (or black phantom) tetras? they have shark/piranah-like look to them!
Red tailed sharks will usually get more aggressive with age and size....They do poorly temperment wise in smaller tanks due to a lack of territory. Min tank for one is 30gal but i'd say nothing smaller than 50 for a full sized one.....especially when you get a meany like mine. I found that mine does best in a semi-aggressive tank with fast moving/un-shark shaped fish. ( although he gets along with this choclate plec perfectly fine :) )


There is apparently one species of freshwater bumblebee but it's quite rare and, considering the number of other species, is probably very difficult to identify as well. Chances are any bumblebees - even if kept in freshwater at your LFS - are of a brackish species.

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