Reefworks Copepods?

You can get them from Reefphyto with a named amount of pods in there. You can also get them from JBS Marines who are a lot cheaper.

VM there is some pictures of my set up in Mandarin Love Thread.
i bought mne from reef works, i got my phyto from elsewhere though. The pods were really consentrated and top notch imo
ok i will start a journal of my mini copepods lol after holiday do i need to top them up with phyto often? so do i need to buy more bottles in future how long it last?
I don't use phyto, I use Copepod food from Reefphyto. It is more concentrated than phyto so you use less. This means that the water is clearer than it would be with phyto.

The pod food I use lasts 6 weeks in the fridge.

Whether you use phyto or pod food you will need to keep on buying it. Phyto users add an egg cup full a couple of times a week, I add a few drops of pod food every few days.
Yes I have the sieve, however, you do not want to use the sieve you use for pods in the display tank at all. Keep the water seperate and keep your pod culture stuff clean. If you cross contaminate you end up crashing the pod culture.

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