Reef to Cichlids

Jan 20, 2005
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I'm converting my 110 Oceanic from salt to freshwater/cichlids. I have a 20g sump and skimmer with a 1200gph circulation pump and tsunami wavemaker with 3 powerheads.

What's the best solution? I've been told to dump the sump, and install a trickle filter. Can I use my existing sump with some type of insert or what? Bio-balls? Mud? Should I keep the tsunami active? Are there commercial solutions? I'm all thumbs at DIY ideas.


Not into the whole cichkid thing, so I'd wait for advice from somebody else :lol:

But Welcome! :)
cichlids don't need alot in the way of a current in a tank, all I use in my tanks are 2 aquaclear 110s if you insist on keeping a current cut the number of power heads down to one and put it in a way that it flows the legnth of the tank.

what kinds of cichlids do you plan on keeping?

New World or Africans?


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