Reef Tank Continues


Fish Fanatic
Aug 5, 2006
Reaction score
Lakewood, CA
heres some pics of my reef tank currently. i have some gaps in here, and was wondering what ppl would recommend in some of my free spaces? or what ppl have had good luck with. my work is gettin in some bright blue zoos' next week so im hopin to pick up some of those. heres pics for now, enjoy! :good:
The Tank

Right side of tank

leather toadstool with flame angel

green spot mandarin goby

orange zoos' (recently added)

I love green nepthia! would go great with that tank. looks good btw :) If you cant get them locally Fosters has them.

o orange ... orange rics perhaps? not sure how much the go for out there?

Im not a fan of xenia because they grow so fast... same with shrooms... but if you don't mind pruning both are sweet looking. if you dont like pruning id nip those in the bud but quick! :hyper:

You have a good asortment already, its more impressive to have a few corals get big than many small frags. In a couple of years any one of those softies could EASLY be the size of your whole tank...

Less is more :good:
thanks for the advice. yea ive seen some monster leathers and such, so the small ones have always been my choice. same with the zoos' i buy them small knowing that they will continue growing out onto other rocks.

so i guess one more small coral of some sort would be it

thanks again
Awesome tank. I especially like the zoas, candy canes and sarcophyton (toadstool). The nass snail is awesome too, is he out all the time?

As for recommendations... yes all those corals will grow quickly, except for maybe the candy canes. Many captive sarcophytons easily top fifty pounds, I own one that's probably over five. But... that's nothing that couldn't be solved with a good pair of scissors. :hey: If you can get a nice one Kenya tree corals (and any other softies in my opinion) are sweet and so are yellow sarcophytons but beware as the latter isn't exactly hardy. They can also be stocked quite densely with a few exceptions giving a nice "reefy" look.

In all honesty there isn't a single coral that I could say "I don't like", but some are better suited for aquaria than others.
ok cool. yea the toadstool is splittin anyways, so its ready for a good fraggin. as for the nass snails, yea i have 8 of them, and usually there is always 3-4 out, at night there all out, and during feedings there all out.

im gonna wait to see wat kinda zoos' we get in this week at my LFS cuz when we ordered them we planned on getting some orange, blue, pink ones, so im tryin to get my hands on some blue ones to go with the bright orange ones. after that, im thinkin of another coral that is low light to put under my flow box then it will be set from there i feel.
That closeup of the leather worries me... Do its polyps look chewed like that all the time? I'd be watchful of that Flame Angel in that regard if I were you :)
yea i know the risk of that, but it seems to be fine. i feed the flame regularly to keep the risk as low as possible. i know at any moment if he nips at it and likes the taste then nuthin i can do there. but for now ill just keep an eye on it. good eye though ski! :good:

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