Reef Success Buff


Fish Fanatic
Jun 17, 2004
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
My little pH/NH3 kit has a bottle of Reef Success Buff which is said to be used with water changes to add carbonates, bicarbonates of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and baron.

I'm currently treating my water with novaqua, amquel, aquasol, and aquarium salt. Is this reef success buff needed? Would it be okay to add a little, or is that becoming over kill?
you may have gotten a salt water test kit. no-dont put saltwater stuff in a fw tank. if it says "reef", its for a reef tank.
those are elements corals need to survive.
To the best I can tell it's not a fresh/salt specific test kit. No where does it say one or the other. It's the Marine Lab Five-in-One Master Test Kit for Marine Aquariums, from Red Sea.

It covers pH, Alk, NH3/NH4, NO2, NO3.
MARINE means saltwater. your test kit isnt giving you accurate results if it isnt for fw.
you could probably put it up in the classifieds section to sell as it wont do you any good unless you have a sw tank.
maybe thats why you said your nitirtes were so high yesterday. vsorry :(

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