if i remember rightly it`l be a 190 litre, corner tank with a bow front the 2 back sides are 2 foot in length. not entirely sure how deep it is.
and as for the typw of lighting it will all depend on what sort of corals you want to keep. softys you should be able to get away with some T5`s if you want sps or lps you will probably want metal halide,
The Mrs and i are after a metal halide for our reef at the moment and if you go for a come4rcial aquarium one you can expect to pay 300-400 pounds for one, if however you track down your local elecrical whole salers (the sort of place that deals with the building trade) then you should be able to pick one up for quater of the price, it wont look as pretty but it will more than do the job,
just remember to swap the bulb for a marine one, the best place we`ve found for them is the pet pirates sponsor