Reef Blend - Live Marine Phyplankton


Fish Fanatic
Feb 14, 2006
Reaction score
Edinburgh, Scotland
Hey Guys,

LFS sold me a bottle at the weekend of DT's Live Marine Phytoplankton, Reef Blend to feed my corals with.
Has anyone used this?? I just tried it tonight and it smells like the worst rotten eggs u have even smelled in your life!!! Is it supposed to smell like this?!?

It said to shake it vigorously before putting in which i did but i didnt see much apart from green water when putting it in? Is this really gonna feed my corals?? :/

The smell is totally unbearable can someone please tell me if its supposed to smell this bad im worried i may have put something i shudnt have into my tank!!

What should it look like anyway??
It should not smell that bad. The rotten egg smell is a sign that most of the phyto is dead and rotting in the bottle. Was it refrigerated at your LFS and when you brought it home? Suff has to stay very cold all the time to not go bad. Funny as I just was in my LFS when someone brought back a tube for the same reason ;). Shop owner gave him another bottle. Apparently that stuff is hard to keep fresh. Most people who dont grow their own use the Kent coral food (dead and treated phyto).
Thanks SKiFletch!

Hhmmm maybe it could have gone sour, it was in a fridge when i bought it on sunday it was freezing and has been in my fridge since until i tried it last night,

What should the phyplankton look like when in the tank ive notice my bubble coral since putting it in a red strands on it is this it???
Depending on howmuch you put into your tank it will be so diluted yiou will not beable to see it. If your dosing a enough you should see the population of little fan worms increase over about 2 months. If you want some live phyto I have some growing and it should be ready by next tuesday. I could mail you some. Call it a tester if you want more I'll be selling it on eBay.
It's suppose to smell like sulfur. . . since it's so concentrated.

I've had many debates w/ folks on this. . . I've even gone so far as to speak w/ the owner of DT. The only really way to know if the phyto is dead is a microscope.

My suggestion if you're going to feed them DT's phyto. . . get it from a good, realiable lfs or. . .
just make some of your own. :good:
So what should it look like? Should i be able to see it when my corals are feeding on it?
I've no idea what is should look like?
Well depending on how big your tank is. .

Once you measured out the right amt - you just dose your tank. . . and it's like a green, cloudy water sweeps over your tank - then it's gone.

As far as seeing your corals eat it. . . no chance. It's like trying to see a plant's photo period. . you know the sun's feeding the plant but you're not going to see the sun spoon-feeding the plant. :lol: Ya know???
I get it Sukie thanks!! Great explanation lol

Ok i did look like a green mist then just disappeared so it must be ok.


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