Reed Fish

Boxcar Muzzdogg

Fish Crazy
Jun 24, 2005
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Today I saw my first reed fish. I have never heard of it. It was very strange looking, and AWESOME. Does anyone have any info on them?
yep reed fish is also known as snake fish or rope fish and theyre one of my favourite fish ! so anything u need to no bout em jus ask ! :thumbs:
freshwater fish from Africa
pH : 6.5-7.5
size :in captivity 15 -20 inches in the wild 30inches
feeding :Live foods : guppy fry ,small rosey red minnows, ghost shrimp, earthworms
frozen: bloodworms, mysis shrimp,brine shrimp , krill, squid
some will take pellets, lean meaty foods such as beefheart are good too
but you need to balance their diet for nutrition so vary the diet, not just one
thing.How much to feed them ? Feed them until their belly bows slightly.
and skipping a meal will not hurt them remember in the wild food is not
always available

sandy substrate with lots of plants and hiding places.While predatory they are not overly agressive and generaly will leave fish to big to eat alone.They are also very
social and do best in groups.they do need acess to the surface as they take atmospheric oxygen from time to time

another note they are escape artists cover any possible escape routes.
Any other questions just ask-Anne

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